Recherche dans la collection - Guy Sprung fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Hiérarchie Guy Sprung fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :12 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records, graphic material and object. (Électronique) Finding aid is a file list of volumes 1 to 35 MSS2619 (90: Ouvert) and Audio-Visual material. Please refer to the Film, Video and Sound (MISACS) database for item level descriptions. (Électronique) (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Guy Sprung fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Date :[1964-2024].Référence :R15968-0-0-EGenre de documents :Art, Documents photographiques, Images en mouvement, Objets (incluant les médailles et épinglettes), Documents sonores, Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :5014136Date(s) :[1964-2024].Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaPays de publication additionel :Allemagne, Japon, Russie (Fédération de)Étendue :37 audio cassettes (ca. 24 hrs., 15 min.).
2 audio discs (28 min., 32 s.).
40 videocassettes (ca. 26 hrs., 37 s.).
24 optical discs (ca. 22 hrs., 31 min. 54 s.).
3.85 m of textual records.
ca. 235 drawings (including copies) : pen, ink, colour pencil and collage.
64 prints : posters.
866 photographs : 169 b&w and 80 col.; 23 b&w contact sheets (ca. 382 images); 370 b&w; 223 col. slides; 1 sheet (35 images).
1 plaque.
ca. 17.15 MB of textual records (797 files).
419 MB of sound recordings (69 files).
2.84 GB of video recordings (3 files).
536 MB of photographs (1333 photographs).
11 technical drawings : ink and pencil.
2 trophies : bronze, metal and wood.Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, français, allemand, russe, japonaisPortée et contenu :Records in this fonds pertain but are not limited to: Guy Sprung's private and business correspondence; résumés and biographical information; his various writing projects in analog and digital formats (plays, adaptation and translation of plays, films, radio and television screenplays) as well as scripts by fellow artists, forwards to plays and publications, his theatre and literary reviews (notably for the Montreal Star and Montreal Gazette), articles and open letters.
Also contained in this donation are Artistic and Stage Director's files created during his tenure at several Theatre companies (notably artistic direction at Half Moon Theatre, Toronto Free Theatre, Canadian Stage Company, Infinithéâtre). Files pertain to the foundation of the outdoor Shakespeare in High Park venue (Toronto) and his stage direction work at multiple Canadian Performing Arts Centres (Centaur Theatre, Theatre Calgary, Stratford Festival, Saidye Bronfman Centre) which include: correspondence, promotional material, director's notes, dramaturgical notes, scripts, contracts and administrative records. There are also files pertaining to Sprung's directing of plays abroad notably of Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Puhskin Theatre in Moscow.
Other records pertain to Sprung's extensive research files for the production of documentary television and film projects as well as for radio programs (notably the CBC's "On Guard For The" - 1995); files pertaining to Sprung's film production company "Entelechy Films" (administration, contracts, correspondence); various photographs of Guy Sprung, of theatre productions as well as of film and theatre projects; video recordings (master copies) of theatre, TV, film projects and documentaries (notably "Mama's Boys", "House of Dreams", "Le Coq de Montréal", "The Hat Goes Wild" - 2013); video recordings of Guy Sprung's work as an actor (demos), playwright, writer and director; sound recordings of CBC radio programs, interviews and soundtracks for theatre productions; files relating to Sprung's teaching and mentoring work (McGill University, the NTS and the University of Ottawa); promotional material such as programs, posters, press clippings, press releases, some publications and documentary art (notably costume designs); files pertaining to awards and honours (notably one plaque).Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :- Auteur : Ferguson, Trevor, 1947-
- Auteur : Fennario, David, 1947-
- Auteur : Pollock, Sharon, 1936-
- Compositeur : Gagnon, Bill, 1944-
- Directeur : Glassco, William G. (William Grant), 1935-2004
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- National Theatre School
- Infinitheatre
- Centaur Theatre
- Canadian Stage Company
- Vancouver Playhouse
- McGill Players
- Theatre XV
Biographie/Histoire administrative :Sprung, Guy, 1947- : Guy Sprung (b. Ottawa, 1947) is a Canadian director, producer, playwright, dramatist, actor, teacher, and literary critic. He completed his postsecondary education at McGill University in Montreal where he directed numerous productions of the McGill Players' Club (1968-69) and founded the Theatre XV company (1969). After graduating, Sprung travelled to Germany in 1970 where he began working as Assistant Artistic Director of the Shiller Theater in what was then West Berlin. In 1971, he moved to London, England, where he co-founded Half Moon Theatre with Maurice Colbourne and Michael Irving in 1972. He became its first artistic director, directing several professional and community play productions until 1975.
After returning to Canada in 1976, Sprung became active as Stage Director in several theatre companies. He gained a national reputation by directing iconic theatre plays of acclaimed Canadian playwrights such as W.O. Mitchell's Back to Beulah (Theatre Calgary - 1976) and The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon (Lennoxville - 1980), David Fennario's Nothing to Lose (Centaur Theatre -1976), Balconville (Centaur - 1979), Rick Salutin's Les Canadiens (Centaur Theatre - 1977), Ann Chislett's Quiet in the Land (Blyth Festival - 1982), as well as the touring production of Paper Wheat by the Toronto Free Theatre in 1979.
In 1982, Sprung was named Artistic Director of the Toronto Free Theatre and ensured its artistic management until 1987 - 88. During the same period, he also founded "Dream in High Park" or "Shakespeare in High Park" (1983), a free summer Shakespeare festival in Toronto's High Park, and worked as Associate Director at the Stratford Festival. In 1986-87, Sprung was appointed Artistic Director of the Vancouver Playhouse, and then participated in the merger of the Toronto Free Theatre with Toronto's Centre Stage to create the new Canadian Stage Company (1988). He would eventually act as Artistic Director of the Canadian Stage Company along with Bill Glassco from 1988 to 1992.
Thoughout the 1980s and 1990s, Sprung continued to work as a stage director and directed well received and acclaimed productions, notably Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing at Toronto's Alexandra Theatre, starring R.H. Thomson (1986) and Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream presented in 1989 for the Pushkin Theatre in Russia.
Sprung was the Artistic Director of Theatre 1774 and of Infinithéâtre/Infinitheatre in Montreal from 1997 to 2021, directing numerous plays in both English and bilingual formats, notably Brecht's Endgame in a bilingual version that was presented at the Cairo Festival of Experimental Theatre in 2001.
Throughout his career, Guy Sprung has performed many times on stage, in film, and in television, and has done voice and narration work. He has also directed radio dramas for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, written and directed several documentaries in English and French, as well as produced a feature film, The Hat Goes Wild (2013), featured on the Movie Network in Canada.
Sprung has written several scripts for television and film, stage plays as well as adaptations and translations of plays (Will Wat, If Not, What Will? - 1972, Ripper! Get Off My Back - 1973 (co-written at Half-Moon theatre), Death and Taxes (2005) Prescription for Murder (2007), Fight On! (2016-2017). He has written a certain number of books and participated in several collective studies (Hot Ice, Directing Shakespeare in Moscow, 1992; The School (about the National Theatre School); The Art of W.O. Mitchell), as well writing book and theatre reviews for the Montreal Gazette. He has been a frequent contributor and commentator for various Canadian publications, including the Montreal Star, Maisonneuve Magazine, JEU, The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, and Canadian Theatre Review.
Sprung has taught theatre and mentored at the Stratford Festival Youth Company, Vancouver Playhouse theatre School, Ryerson Theatre School, National Theatre School of Canada as well as at the Conservatoire d'art dramatique de Montréal.
Guy Sprung has received a National Broadcasting Award for his radio drama On Guard For Thee (1995) and has been nominated several times for the Dora Mavor Moore Award for his theatre direction. Many of the plays he researched, developed, and directed the first productions of went on to win a Governor General's Award for Drama (Sharon Pollock's Doc and Quiet in the Land by Anne Chislett).Information additionnelle :Note générale :Records received from Guy Sprung (Infinithéâtre) in December 2017 and in 2023.Note sur l'emplacement des documents connexes :Toronto Free Free Theatre and Canadian Stage Company fonds can be found at the University of Guelph Library.Vedette-matière :Source :Privé -
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