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Niveau hiérarchique :Sous-fondsContexte de cette notice :Sous-fonds comprend :1 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Notice descriptive Sport Canada [document textuel]
Date :1975-2005.Référence :R5747-56-2-FGenre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :211607Date(s) :1975-2005.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :86,4 m de documents textuelsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Ce sous-fonds est préliminaire. Veuillez consulter les acquisitions liées, ainsi que le sous-fonds de la Condition physique et du sport amateur (Mikan 495).Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Information additionnelle :Note générale :The National Fitness Act (7 George VI, Chapter 29) was proclaimed on 1 October 1943 and established the Physical Fitness Division within the Welfare Branch of the Department of Health and Welfare. Mandated to promote fitness and physical education, the Physical Fitness Division administered this role throughout the country. After several disputes with the provinces, the National Fitness Act was repealed in 1954. However, responding to the decline in Canadian athletes' performances at international events, the degrading physical fitness levels of Canadians and the corresponding effect on health, the Fitness and Amateur Sport Act (1960-1961, c.59, s.1.) was inacted. The Act was administered by the Fitness and Amateur Sport Directorate within the Department of Health and Welfare. The Directorate's aim was to increase the level of participation in competitive and non-competitive sports. In 1976, the Fitness and Amateur Sport Directorate was given Branch status. The Minister of State for Fitness and Amateur Sports was abolished in June 1992 with the responsibilities for those functions divided between the Department of Health and the newly-created Canadian Heritage Ministry.
Canadian Heritage consists of three main programs: Corporate Management Services, Parks Canada, and Canadian Identity. Further deconstruction shows that within the Canadian Identity Program there are two sub-programs -- Cultural Development Heritage and Citizenship and Canadian Identity -- both headed by Assistant Deputy Ministers. The Citizenship and Canadian Identity Program (CCIP) is tasked to assist Canadians in recognizing and celebrating their shared identity and in enhancing their capacity to contribute to Canadian society. Along with Official Languages, Canadian Identity (planned spending for Urban Aboriginal Youth Centres and the teaching of aboriginal languages), and Multiculturalism, the program administers the federal government's involvement in sports.
Sport Canada has its own State Minister that reports to the Minister of Canadian Heritage.
Sport Canada est une direction générale du secteur Affaires internationales et intergouvernementales du ministère du Patrimoine canadien. Le Ministère consacre ses efforts à mettre en valeur et enrichir l'expérience canadienne. Sport Canada comporte deux divisions : les programmes et les politiques en matières sport.Historique de la conservation :Les dossiers de ce sous-fonds ont été créé et conservés par le Ministère de la Santé nationale et du Bien-être (RG29) jusqu'en 1993 et par son successeur Patrimoine canadien (R5747).Source :GouvernementNo d'autorisation de disposition de document :99/012 -
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