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Hiérarchie Institute for Marine Dynamics [multiple media]
Niveau hiérarchique :SérieContexte de cette notice :Série comprend :3 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Notice descriptive Institute for Marine Dynamics [multiple media]
Date :1928-1984.Référence :R1207-17-5-E, RG77, RG77M 923037Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Dessins d'architecture et techniques, Cartes et documents cartographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :182917Date(s) :1928-1984.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :2.8 m of textual records.
30 architectural drawings
349 technical drawings.
2 profiles
520 photographs
2 objects.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Series consists of records transferred from the Institute of Marine Dynamics' Ottawa Office in 1993 shortly before its closure.
The textual records consist mostly of subject and projects files, likely from the offices of engineering officers and the director. One sub-series consists of files concerning the development and establishment of the Arctic Vessel Research Institute. Another sub-series consists of sundry research and engineering files, including but not limited to files from the offices of two scientists/engineers, S.T. Mathrew and P.A. Hamill, as well as files on the construction of an ice tank, the Model-Testing Basin, hydrofoil development as well as miscellaneous "laboratory memos" and technical reports.
The final sub-series contains a selection of technical drawings related to research and development in NRC building M-22, including the wave basin. Depicted are : milling machines; M.T.B. Dynamometer; wave maker used in the basin; photoboat developed by NRC and a selection of other equipment used and developed on site. Thirty architectural drawings are of the facilities and building M-22, showing renovations, expansions and laboratories.Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Canada. Marine Dynamics and Ship Laboratory : In June 1978, the Minister of State for Science and Technology called for the creation of 'integrated research centres' to focus on national or local problems/opportunities in specifically Canadian areas by bringing together and building on existing university, industry and government resources. In response to this, the NRC planned the opening of three centres, of which the 'Arctic Vessel and Marine Research Institute', to be located in St Johns, Newfoundland, was one. By the time of its opening in 1985, the name of the Institute had been changed to the 'Institute for Marine Dynamics' (IMD), and its responsibilities included research and development into arctic and marine transportation and the physics of fluids, ice and mechanical system dynamics, with a focus on safe and economic marine applications in transportation ,defence and natural resource development, to improve Canada's ability to compete internationally. By 2002, the work of the IMD was focussed in two main areas - Offshore Engineering Research and Ship Technology Research, with support from CISTS through its St Johns Information Centre. The IMD research programs have produced many patented technologies related to remote detection of ice, sailboard design, propulsion systems, etc.Information additionnelle :Source du titre :Title is based on the contents of the series.Données mathématiques sur les documents :Scales differ.Versements complémentaires :No further accruals are expected.Vedette-matière :Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG77
RG77M 923037 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels[ConsultationRestreint selon la loi]Dessins techniques architecturaux[ConsultationRestrictions varient]Documents cartographiques[ConsultationOuvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Crown Copyright. Credit: Library and Archives Canada.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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