Recherche dans la collection - No. 2 Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers [textual record]
Hiérarchie No. 2 Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers [textual record]
Niveau hiérarchique :Sous-sérieContexte de cette notice :Sous-série comprend :17 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Électronique) The finding aid's file level descriptions can be accessed through the "consists of" fields in the MIKAN record. A paper copy is also available in the Reference room. The finding aid (formerly 9-39) is a list consisting of volume number, file number, title and outside dates. 9-115 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive No. 2 Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers [textual record]
Date :1916-1918Référence :R611-193-4-E, RG9-III-C-5Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :182555Date(s) :1916-1918Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :0.1 m of textual recordsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Sub-series consists of records created and/or maintained by the No. 2 Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers, and document many aspects of its activities.Biographie/Histoire administrative :Canada. Canadian Engineers. Tunnelling Company, no. 2 : No. 2 Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers was organized in September 1915 under General Order 151 of 22 December 1915. The company was commanded by Major R.W. Coulthard. It was mobilized at Calgary and recruited in mining centres in Alberta and British Columbia. Tunnelling companies were engaged chiefly in mining and counter- mining, but they were also used in the construction of subways and deep dugouts.
The company embarked at Halifax on 22 January 1916 aboard MISSANABIE, disembarking in England on 30 January. The company arrived in France on 10 March 1916, becoming part of the 2nd Canadian Division. No. 2 Tunnelling Company ceased to exist on 6 July 1918 when its personnel were transferred to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 11th, and 12th Battalions, Canadian Engineers. It was disbanded by General Order 192 of 1 November 1920.Information additionnelle :Versements complémentaires :No further accruals are expected.Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG9-III-C-5 -
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