Recherche dans la collection - Applications for marriage licenses [textual record (microform)]
Hiérarchie Applications for marriage licenses [textual record (microform)]
Niveau hiérarchique :Série -
Instrument de recherche (Papier) Finding aid 91-4 is a typed file list which includes application number, name of applicants, place where the licence was issued, date, and whether the application was cancelled. 91-4 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Applications for marriage licenses [textual record (microform)]
Date :[between 1901-1915].Référence :R216-182-X-E, RG91-B-4Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :143834Date(s) :[between 1901-1915].Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :1 microfilm reelLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Series consists of records received by the Issuer of Licenses. Each application was assigned a number for which the following have survived: 159, 172, 193-1000. There are also three unnumbered applications at the end of the series. The application contains the names and ages of both parties.
This series consists of files that, in all likelihood, were part of the registry system. Over time these files have been reorganized on a subject basis so that the original registry numbers are no longer identifiable. A single file may contain individual documents stamped with six or more file numbers. It was decided to maintain the present subject arrangement and to incorporate loose correspondence and forms into these files. For reasons of simplicity, other closely related types of records were placed within the series. For example, collections of applications were placed with the subject files; bound volumes of copies of regulations and judgments were placed within the register index series. (Vol. 76; reel M-2883)Information additionnelle :Source du titre :Title is based on the contents of the series.Historique de la conservation :These records were transferred to Ottawa between 1959 and 1968, were arranged into volume 76 within RG 91, and were microfilmed on reel M-2883. The originals were then returned in 1973 to the newly built Yukon Territorial Archives.Note de reproduction :Microfilmed between 1970 and 1972.Versements complémentaires :No further accruals are expected.Lien à une ressource liée :Births, Marriages and Deaths Recorded in Canada DB sur le contenant :M-2883 : Copy No. 1
M-2883 : Copy No. 2
M-2883 : Copy No. 3Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG91-B-4 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels: microformes[ConsultationRestrictions varient]Bobine de microfilm [RG91] M-2883[ConsultationOuvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Copyright belongs to the Crown.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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