Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures fonds [textual record, graphic material, sound recording]
Hiérarchie Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures fonds [textual record, graphic material, sound recording]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :11 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Électronique) This finding aid consist of a list of files of volumes 1 to 6 MSS1780 (90: Ouvert) recordings: (Électronique) See MISACS for item level descriptions. -
Notice descriptive Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures fonds [textual record, graphic material, sound recording]
Date :[ca. 1956]-1996.Référence :R6646-0-1-E, MG28-I433Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents sonores, Documents photographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :102330Date(s) :[ca. 1956]-1996.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :1.025 m of textual records.
19 audio cassettes (22 h).
2 photographs : b&w.Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, françaisPortée et contenu :Fonds of the Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures consists of correspondence, administrative files, membership records, financial documents, conference records, newsletters and the records of research committees. Documents are arranged in eleven series in six volumes: administrative files - binders; general administrative files; correspondence; conferences; comité de recherche francophone; Anglophone Research Committee; membership; newsletters; subject files; finances; and additional material. Fonds also consists of 2 photographs which depict the plate of the Gabrielle Roy award, presented for the first time by ACQL to "Cahiers du Théâtre Jeu" in 1985; and sound recordings of the proceedings of the ACQL/ALQC conferences for 1977 and 1978.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures : Academic Association
The Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures was created at the Learned Societies Conference in 1973 by a group of scholars who were concerned about the lack of research grants in this area. The mandate of the ACQL was to encourage the study, dissemination and criticism of these literatures and research in this field. In 1975, the Association was incorporated. It derives part of its funding from the sale of membership cards, but the majority comes from various grants the Association receives from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canada Council and the Department of the Secretary of State.
As a result, the Association is able, among other things, to organize a conference at the Association's annual meeting which is held at the Learned Societies Conference. The conferences are on different topics each year: for example, in 1976 the subject was the Social and Political Novel; in 1980, Children in Canadian and Quebec Literature and Children's Literature in Canada and Quebec. Simultaneous translation is provided at the conferences. At the meeting in 1985, the Association presented its first Gabrielle Roy award to the Cahiers du Théâtre Jeu. This prize is awarded for the best critical essay or book in Canadian and/or Quebec literature.
The annual meeting also provides an opportunity to re-elect a new executive, which usually comprises a president, a vice-president and a secretary-treasurer. The executive is always composed of individuals from both language groups. The Association does not have a permanent secretariat. Several committees perform tasks to facilitate the executive's duties. The two main committees, created in 1976, were the Francophone Research Committee and the Anglophone Research Committee. Although they work separately, the two committees have the same mandate which consists in co-ordinating and planning research in Canadian and Quebec literature based on the current state of this research, the needs and the resources available, with a view to providing the Canada Council with recommendations.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Presented by the Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures in 1986, and in 1988, through J.-M. Duciaume (President), Carole Gerson (Secretary-Treasurer), and Kathy Mezei (President). Some additional material was received in 1996 from Susan Rudy (President) of Calgary, Alberta.Vedette-matière :- Learned societies and institutions - Canada, 1956-1988 Situation de l'education et de la recherche, 1978-1980
- Literature - Research - Canada, 1956-1988 Répertoire des professeurs et chercheurs, 1978-1980
- Canadian Federation for the Humanities, 1978-1986
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 1978-1986
- Healey Commission, 1956, 1973-1980
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG28-I433 -
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