Collection search - Northern Affairs Program central registry [multiple media]
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Record information Northern Affairs Program central registry [multiple media]
Date:1898-2007.Reference:R216-130-2-E, RG85-E-1-a, RG22M 73/1585, RG85M 77803/36, RG85-EType of material:Textual material, Maps and cartographic material, Architectural and technical drawings, Sound recordings, Photographs, Moving images, Art, Objects (including medals and pins), Stamps and stamp productsFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:135023Date(s):1898-2007.Bilingual equivalent:Place of creation:CanadaAdded country of publication:Denmark, England, France, Pennsylvania, Russia (Federation)Extent:203.95 m of textual records.
ca. 2237 maps
6214 photographs : b&w and col., multiple processes ; various dimensions.
ca. 285 technical drawings
79 audio reels (ca. 62 h, 30 min)
48 audio cassettes (ca. 37 h, 30 min)
2 video cassettes (ca. 3 h, 49 min)
7.2 m of cartographic material.
5 prints : posters.
32 stamps.
44 drawings : pencil on paper.
2 seal embossers.
273 reproductions : photocopies.Language of material:EnglishAdded language of material:English, French, Danish, Inuktitut, RussianScope and content:Series consists of central registry files and records from the Canadian Eskimo Arts Council, the Forestry Resources Division, the Northern Economic Development Branch, and the Northwest Territories Regional Office., Series also consists of maps used by the Northern Affairs Program in the course of performing its duties, and photographs of oil and gas projects.Additional name(s):Biography/Administrative history:Northern Affairs Program : In 1968, the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development reorganized its activities into four basic programmes: the Administrative Program (RG 22), Indian and Inuit Affairs Program (RG 10), Conservation or Parks Canada Program (RG 84), and Northern Development Program (RG 85). The Northern Development Program (or the Northern Affairs Program as it became in 1973) was, therefore, the direct administrative descendant of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch, 1922-1950, and the Northern Administration (and Lands) Branch, 1950-1968. Its functions had changed significantly, however: the Inuit no longer fell exclusively under its purview; day-to-day administrative activity and operations had been successfully transferred to the territorial governments; encouragement of economic development and mineral and oil and gas exploration was more important as were environmental concerns; and the functions of planning, advising, financing, and evaluating northern development became central to the Department's role in the North. Still under the purview of the Northern Affairs Program were two broad areas: the general administration of the North, including support of municipal and territorial governments, education, welfare, health, and other social services; and the development of Northern resources, including the building of roads and airports, maintenance of communications, protection of wildlife and the environment, and control of oil and gas exploration, forestry, and mineral development. Reflecting these new emphases, the Northern Affairs Program developed a new file classification system for its records. Although similar to the 1951 duplex-numeric system of the Northern Administration and Lands Branch, but with greater scope and flexibility, the Program's new system was based on a four-digit, duplex-numeric series of subject blocks. This system is still in use. RG85 General InventoryAdditional information:Source of title:Title is based on the contents of the series.Accruals:Further accruals are expected.Source:GovernmentFormer archival reference no.:RG85-E-1-a
RG22M 73/1585
RG85M 77803/36
RG85-E -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[ConsultationRestricted by law]
Access restrictions may vary. Please consult the access list.Cartographic material[ConsultationOpen]Architectural: technical drawings[ConsultationOpen]Sound recordings[ConsultationOpen]Audio-visual item no. assigned by LAC [R216][ConsultationOpen]45292AV--45300AV;[ConsultationOpen]47690AV--47694AV;[ConsultationOpen]Graphic (photo)[ConsultationRestrictions vary]Moving images (video)[ConsultationOpen]Audio-visual item no. assigned by LAC [R216][ConsultationOpen]45290AV--45291AV;[ConsultationOpen]47651AV--47689AV;[ConsultationOpen]Graphic (art)[ConsultationOpen]Object[ConsultationOpen]Philatelic records[ConsultationOpen]Terms of use:Copyright belongs to the Crown.
Cartographic material: Copyright belongs to the Crown. Credit Library and Archives Canada.
Architectural, technical drawings: Copyright belongs to the Crown. Credit Library and Archives Canada.You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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