Collection search - Vue du chantier de construction maritime, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1798
Hierarchy Vue du chantier de construction maritime, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1798
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Record information Vue du chantier de construction maritime, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1798
Date:1796Reference:R9266Type of material:ArtFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:2898328Date(s):1796Bilingual equivalent:Place of creation:No place, unknown, or undeterminedExtent:1 aquarelle : aquarelle sur papier vélin
Support x cm
Image 20.100 x 27.200 cm
Secondary support 34.000 x 40.400 cmScope and content:Work is a depiction of the naval yard in Halifax. Four ships are visible in the water; two have their sails unfurled, one is furled and the fourth is without sails. On the shore are several architectural structures and a Union Jack is flying on the shoreline. In the distance is a hill on which are visible several more architectural structures on the crest., This watercolour may be either the basis for, or a copy after, the etching "Commissioners House, in the Naval Yard, Halifax" from The Naval Chronicle, 1804, pl. I, facing page 141. See Coverdale 1983, p. 194 for a reference to this watercolour., Watercolour has variations from print. The figures in the boats are more defined and naive in the watercolour. The work looks later than the 18th century., Item is taped to a window mat. On the recto of the mat, across b. it reads CAPTAIN GEORGE TOBIN / NAVAL YARD NOVA SCOTIAAdditional name(s):Additional information:Alpha-numeric note:Sotheby's inventory no. W402Availability of other formats note:transparent couleur disponibleExhibitions note:Titre d'exposition: La collection Peter Winkworth d'oeuvres canadiennes, Rivages rocheux et mer houleuse - La région de l'Atlantique. Conservateur : Jim Burant, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; 2006.03.05-04.22.2007.
Lieu de présentation supplémentaire: Centre des Arts de la confédération, Charlottetown, l'île du Prince-Édouard ; 2005.09.17- 2005.11.27.
Lieu de présentation supplémentaire : The Owens Art Gallery, Sackville, Nouveau-Brunswick; 2006.06.16-2006.09.03.
Lieu de présentation supplémentaire : The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery, St. John's Terre-Neuve et Labrador; 2007.02.02-2007.04.22.Signatures and inscriptions note:Inscription: verso, à l'encre : View of Halifax Naval yard && - from the South; partiesupérieure du verso : halifax Naval Yard from the harbour at... [rayé]; partie inférieuredu verso, au crayon : To finish the ship &.../1796; recto, b.d. (au pinceau et à l'encresur du crayon) : G Tobin 1796Subject heading:Source:PrivateOther accession no.:00393 -
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Aucune restriction sur l'accès physique ni sur l'utilisation pour publication ou reproductionItem no. assigned by LAC [R9266] 393[ConsultationOpen]Copy negative [00393] C-150490[ConsultationOpen]Terms of use:Crédit: Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, no d'acc R9266-393 Collection de Canadiana Peter Winkworth
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