Collection search - Clerk of the Senate [textual record]
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Record information Clerk of the Senate [textual record]
Date:1854-1870Reference:R1025-3-9-E, RG14-E-2Type of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:158410Date(s):1854-1870Bilingual equivalent:Place of creation:No place, unknown, or undeterminedExtent:1 itemLanguage of material:EnglishScope and content:Series consists of a 289 page letterbook created and maintained by the Clerk of the Senate and his predecessor, the Clerk of the Legislative Council. The letterbook includes an index.Additional name(s):Biography/Administrative history:Canada. Parliament. Senate. Clerk of the Senate : The Clerk of the Senate is the chief procedural adviser to the Speaker of the Senate and to Senators. The clerk is appointed by the Governor in Council and is responsible for a wide range of procedural and administrative duties relating to the role of the Senate and its committees. The clerk takes the minutes of all Senate proceedings. These minutes are later published as the Journals of the Senate of Canada. The clerk also has custody of all original acts of Parliament and is assisted in his duties by a clerk assistant. A Glossary of Parliamentary Procedure House of Commons Canada (Second Edition)Additional information:Source of title:Title is based on the contents of the series.Accruals:No further accruals are expected.Source:GovernmentFormer archival reference no.:RG14-E-2 -
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