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  1. 1
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price, freight added. Before undertaking it, it should be clearly ascertained if the price the Syndicate will pay delivered on the banks of Bow River near 
  2. 2
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... Price For Moving camp 33 87 ... ... ... ... Mrs. WS Wescott For Lodging 3 00 ... ... ... ... A. Clemis For Board and lodging 27 00 ... ... ... ... EM 
  3. 3
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... Price Barley, oats and potatoes 79 47 ... ... ... ... James Price 6 sacks 4 50 ... ... ... ... D. McLeod 385 21/50 bushels wheat, at Edmonton 642 04 
  4. 4
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price will be obtained as this crop is a failure in the vicinity. They were selling for $1 a bushel at the time in Fort Qu'Appelle, and were scarce even at 
  5. 5
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price of 3 damaged ploughs 105 00 ... ... ... ... ... By WL Orde, price obtained from sale of pony 50 00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 155 00 
  6. 6
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... price of furs reduced the value of their fur returns. They had no employment on the Canadian Pacific Railroad during the past year. Since my last report 
  7. 7
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price than usual, they seemed to get through the winter more comfortably than bas previously been the case. The timber to make baskets of is getting scarce 
  8. 8
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price of furs, and also porpoise oil, I suppose, had something to do in making the times hard, as hunting and killing porpoise are the two principal 
  9. 9
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... Price is farming instructor. He has been resident in the country for over ten years, and besides having a fair knowledge of farming and other work required 
  10. 10
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price the articles, notify the Treasurer to enter price in book, and hand in the articles to the President at the electoral meeting. The President will be 
  11. 11
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... Price Salary as Teacher at Alert Bay, September quarter, 1886 27 67 ... ... ... ... AE Price Implements for Alert Bay School 18 07 ... ... ... ... E 
  12. 12
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... Price. These Indians are still in the van in industrial pursuits in this district, and although the soil is somewhat richer the crops suffered nearly as 
  13. 13
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... Price Salary as Teacher at Red Pheasant's Reserve, June, September and December quarters, 1886, and March quarter 1887 ... 300 00 ... ... ... Mary Price 
  14. 14
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price, furs have brought fair price, and employment at high wages has been easily obtainable by all who were willing to work. The health of the Indians has 
  15. 15
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price they would be willing to pay for ties at the points where the railway crosses the following streams: the Little Saskatchewan, the Assinniboine, and 
  16. 16
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... Price, Farmer - Red Pheasant's Band, No. 108. This band have been longer engaged in farming than any other in the Agency, and consequently are farther 
  17. 17
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... price is paid to them for the same. We have also made a reduction in the number of Indians receiving rations on the Blood reserve, as I found, after much 
  18. 18
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices paid, however, were hardly remunerative, and but low wages were ... price of furs has seen remunerative. The general conduct of the Indians has 
  19. 19
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices obtained by them in the United States for their basket ... price, several parents were unable or unwilling to pay the increased charge 
  20. 20
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices and notified the contractors before taking this step. Of course, the contractors were the losers of the amount over the contract price. I made my 
  21. 21
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices obtained for certain fairs wore higher than last year. Beaver and otter skins sold well, but marten and mink did not advance in price and a less 
  22. 22
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price. As will be seen by the tabular statement, there is quite a decrease in the number of stock. I think this is owing to the good times and high prices 
  23. 23
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price, Rabbits were likewise very numerous, and contributed largely to ... prices were obtained for them. Chief Bobtail and the greater number of his 
  24. 24
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price. Live Stock. - There were 212 head of cattle in the agency distributed to individuals in the different bands; they were all in fine order, with the 
  25. 25
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price offered to laborers in the hop- fields has induced a great number of Indians to tarn to that industry to the neglectful of their root crops. It is to 
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