Textual records (Papier) The CAB RG 1 Shelf List (see RG 1, L1 section) is a typed volume-level description which provides volume titles and inclusive dates and corresponding microfilm reel numbers. The Shelf List also correlates the current volume number (assigned by the National Archives) to the letter designation (A, B, C, ... U) assigned to each volume by the records creators. CAB RG 1 Shelf List (90: Ouvert)
Textual records (Papier) Finding Aid MSS1802, an alphabetically-arranged card index by name of petitioner, commonly called the Upper Canada Land Index, provides nominal access to both the Land Books in this series and the land petitions in the Land Submissions to the Executive Council series (found elsewhere within this fonds). Petitions on behalf of groups were indexed, but not necessarily under modern headings. MSS1802 (90: Ouvert)
Textual records (Papier) The index cards which make up Finding Aid MSS1802 have been microfilmed on reels C-10810 to C-10836 and H-1976 to H-1978. CAB RG 1 Shelf List (see RG 1, L3 section) includes a microfilm shelf list for these reels. MSS1802 (90: Ouvert)
Textual records (Papier) This shelf list indicates the range of petitioner names appearing on each reel (e.g., reel C-10810: from Aaron (Mohawk Chief) to Baker, G. W.). When using the microfilm of the index, researchers should search under possible variant spellings of a surname, and watch for inconsistencies in the filing order of the cards. As the card index identifies the page reference for a Land Book or the alpha-numeric reference for a petition, copies of the CAB RG 1 Shelf Lists (L1 and L3 sections) were included as a preface to each reel when the index was microfilmed so that users may identify the corresponding microfilm reel numbers for the petitions. MSS1802 (90: Ouvert)
Textual records (Papier) In that Finding Aid MSS1802 serves two series in this fonds, additional comments on its use will be found in the descriptive entry for the Land Submissions to the Executive Council series. Included there are comments about the correlation of Land Book and petition references, which are useful in those situations where the index provides only a Land Book entry or a petition reference, but not both.
Finally, users should note that this finding aid also serves both the Land Books and land petitions for the Province of Canada, 1841-1867, records not found in this fonds but, rather, in the Records of the Executive Council Office of the Province of Canada fonds. MSS1802 (90: Ouvert)