Series consists of case files, research materials, briefs, articles, research papers and theses related to issues surrounding fundamental freedoms. These subjects include: Censorship including pornography, obscenity, Fraser Committee on Pornography and Prostitution, Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner and customs seizures; contempt of court including R v. Murphy and Harry Kopyto; Freedom of Assembly including picketing in labour disputes at the Eaton Centre, soliciting in malls, Skokie v. National Socialist Party of America, Litton Rexdale Plant anti-nuclear demonstration, parade permits, Windsor Emancipation Day Parade permit, Oakville anti-loitering by-law, peace camps on Parliament Hill, Windor Anti-Free Trade Rally; Freedom of Association including the Charles Roach case and Hans Ruprecht vs. BC labour laws; Free Press including trial by media and naming of the accused, television and the courts, freedom of expression, Karla Homolka publication ban, Ontario Press Council; Free Speech including Canadian Dimension charitable tax status case, libel and slander issues, Canadian For Peace in the Middle East, ACLU Writers Project, Philippe Rushton vs. University of Western Ontario, David Irving vs. Carleton University; Palestinian t-shirt slogan case, Toronto Sun and the Official Secrets Act, political pamphlet distribution at Dorval Airport case, Tobacco Products Control Act Bill C-51, Anti-Pornography Bill C-54, harrassment policies at universities and pro-life picketing injunction; Hate Propaganda including amendments to the Criminal Code, John Ross and the Western Guard Party v. Canadian Human Rights Commission, Terry Long and the Arayan Nation camp, Jim Keegstra, Ernst Zundel, Douglas Christie, Malcolm Ross, the "Yankee Go Home" case, Jehovah Witness arrests in Quebec; Skinheads in Toronto and Holocaust literature in libraries; Religion including teaching religion in schools, prayer in schools, Ontario Separate School funding and Sunday shopping; Freedom of Information including CCLA position on Bill C-43, privacy and electronic surveillance in the workplace.