Events, activities, places, individuals and groups associated with the life and career, 1983-1993, of Mrs. Mila Mulroney, wife of Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and Prime Minister of Canada. Photos by unknown photographers and by the following: Michael Bedford, Ottawa; Bill Brennan, Edmonton; Michael Burns, Toronto; Calgary Herald; Andre N. Clouthier; DND/Jeff de Molitor; DND/P.L. Tremblett; Ted Grant, Victoria; Harvey Studios, Fredericton; Journal de Montreal/Gilles Lafrance; Kent Kallberg, Vancouver; Yousuf Karsh, Ottawa; London Free Press; McKenzie/Darg Photography, Toronto; Barbara A. Nespal, Oakville; Jean-Bernard Porée, Paris; PMO/Peter Bregg, Ottawa; PMO/Ken Ginn, Ottawa; PMO/F.Scott Grant, Ottawa; PMO/Bill McCarthy, Ottawa; Reuters Canada/John Hryniuk, Ottawa; Francois Rivard, Baie St-Paul; Bill Stratas, Scarborough; Tkatschow Media Consultant; UPPA Commercial Photographers, London, England; Ville de Montreal; Noel Wesson, Harare; Official White House Photographer, Washington.