Recherche dans la collection - J. Russell Harper fonds [multiple media]
Hiérarchie J. Russell Harper fonds [multiple media]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :36 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records: (Papier) The finding aid is a file list of volumes 8-63. MSS1766Textual records: (Électronique) Finding aid. MSS1766 (Autre) See photographic inventories, indexes, and caption lists arranged by accession number. FA-500Sound recordings: (Électronique) See MISACS for item level descriptions. -
Notice descriptive J. Russell Harper fonds [multiple media]
Date :1624-1988.Référence :R2454-0-7-E, MG30-D352Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents photographiques, Art, Documents sonores, Timbres-poste et produitsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :98373Date(s) :1624-1988.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :11.67 m of textual records.
2627 photographs predominately b&w.
5 prints collograph, screenprint, linocut, photomechanical reproduction.
2 audio cassettes (ca. 2 h).
3 postal covers.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of the papers of J. Russell Harper which includes the following: a small amount of personal material; material relating to his teaching career; general correspondence; correspondence with artists; research material comprising copies of artists' letters; research files on historical and contemporary artists and various subjects relating to art; inventories of private and public collections; lectures, articles and miscellaneous writings; research material and manuscripts relating to "Early Painters and Engravers in Canada", sculptors, stoneware and stained glass, architecture, W.G.R. Hind, "Painting in Canada", Paul Kane, "A People's Art", Cornelius Krieghoff and arctic research; and other material, 1624-1988.
The fonds also contains photographs showing architectural and sculptural works, which includes views of churches, museums, galleries, statues, headstones, paintings, sculptures in Ontario and Quebec from 1940-1967 taken by J. Russell Harper. There are also photographs taken by Ramsay Traquair of Quebec churches, 1926-1937 used for a work entitled, "The Old Architecture of Quebec". There are photographs by Dora De Pédery-Hunt, Kazuo Nakamura, de Greeff Studios Ltd., United Press International, and Alan Gordon. These photographs are of J. Russell Harper in various professional and social contexts, mostly unidentified, including portraits with his wife Elizabeth and daughter Jennifer on the occasion of receiving an honourary degree from the University of Guelph, 1972; photographic portraits of artists and colleagues of J. Russell Harper including Kazuo Nakamura, Diane and Peter Waxer, Harold Town, Walter Yarwood, Henri Hébert, Fritz Brandtner, Jack Humphrey, Gershon Ishkowitz, a photograph believed to be New York art critic Clement Greenberg; and the Jarvis Collegiate baseball team with Cornelius Krieghoff III (second from the left), 1922-ca. 1972.
Also included are five greeting cards sent to J. Russell Harper by Dolores and James Henderson Boyd, Jack and Jean Humphrey, Fritz Brandtner, and an unidentified source. The works on the cards are by James Henderson Boyd, Jack Humphrey, and Fritz Brandtner.
The fonds also contains sound recordings of interviews recorded in 1975 by J. Russell Harper with Kathy MacKay and Nellie King relating to the Group of Seven artist Frederick Horsman Varley. MacKay, who was a personal friend and model for Varley and King, who studied under him at the Doon School of Fine Arts, provide insights into the life and work of Varley during the late 1940s and 1950s.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Harper, J. Russell (John Russell), 1914-1983 : J. Russell Harper was born in Caledonia, Ontario, in 1914. After receiving his teacher's certificate from the Hamilton Normal School in 1932, he taught primary school in Haldimand County before continuing his education as a part-time student at McMaster University. He attended the Ontario College of Art, 1938-1940, and after serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War enrolled at the University of Toronto, from which he graduated in 1948 with an M.A. in Art and Archaeology. While at the University of Toronto, Harper acted as curator for Hart House and after graduating, he became chief cataloguer at the Royal Ontario Museum.
Harper moved to New Brunswick to work for the New Brunswick Museum in Saint John, 1951-1955. He was curator of Lord Beaverbrook's art collection, 1957-1959, and in 1959 also worked on the Louisbourg restoration project. He moved to Ottawa later that year to begin working at the National Gallery, where he was curator of Canadian art until 1963. He then moved to Montreal where he was chief curator at the McCord Museum, McGill University, 1965-1968, and taught at Concordia University, 1965-1979.
Following Harper's studies at the University of Toronto, he began to publish articles on Canadian history, art and archaeology in various learned journals. During the 1960's, Harper focussed more and more on Canadian painting and in 1966 he published his "Painting in Canada: a History" and in 1970, his "Early Painters and Engravers in Canada". These were followed by major studies on the Canadian artists Paul Kane and Cornelius Krieghoff, and on Canadian folk art.
In recognition of the seminal work he contributed to the development of the study of Canadian art history, Russell Harper received a number of honours and awards during his lifetime. He received a Royal Society of Canada Fellowship to study in Paris, 1956-1957, and a Social Science Research Council grant to study in Rome and Great Britain 1957-1958. He received honorary degrees from the University of Guelph, 1972, and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1982. He was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 1974, and in the same year was made an Officer of the Order of Canada.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Received between 1987 and 1990 from J. Russell Harper's widow, Elizabeth Harper of South Lancaster, Ontario. The Arctic Research material (vol. 63) was received in 1990 from Elizabeth Harper through Robert Stacey of Toronto, Ontario.Note sur le classement :Harper's original order was retained where order existed. There is consequently a fair amount of overlap between various series and the researcher should examine the finding aid closely to avoid overlooking any material.Vedette-matière :- Hind, William George Richardson
- Art historians Canada
- Authors, Canadian, 1914-1988 Concordia University (Montreal, Quebec), 1967-1976
- Artists, Canadian, 1878-1988 Carleton University (Ottawa, Ont.), 1967-1976
- Art, Canadian - Arctic, 1878-1988 Edmund Alleyn, 1878-1973
- Art museums - Canada, 1964-1980 Maxwell Bates, 1878-1973
- Art - Private collections, 1964-1980 Aba Bayefsky, 1878-1973
- Bertram Charles Binning, 1878-1973
- Bruno Bobak, 1878-1973
- Sam Borenstein, 1878-1973
- Ronald L. Bloore, 1878-1973
- Jack Bush, 1878-1973
- Oscar Cahen, 1878-1973
- Ghitta Caiserman-Roth, 1878-1973
- A.J. Casson (Alfred Joseph), 1878-1973
- Alex Colville (David Alexander), 1878-1973
- Kathy Cooper, 1878-1973
- National Art Gallery of Canada, 1959-1963, 1971
- Pegi Nicol MacLeod, 1962
- Sir George Back, 1884-1983
- Château de Ramezay. Museum, 1964-1980
- W.H. Coverdale Collection of Canadiana. Manoir Richelieu Collection, 1964-1980
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1964-1980
- Eric Goldberg, 1964-1980
- David Morgan, 1964-1980
- John Miller, 1964-1980
- Lorne Coutts, 1964-1980
- Toni Onley, 1964-1980
- Jack Shadbolt, 1964-1980
- Fritz Brandtner, 1972
- Mrs. Ward C. Pitfield, 1972
- John Russell, 1972
- Antoine Plamondon [ca.1914-ca.1983]
- Jack Humphrey, 1963-1978
- Alfred Pellan, 1963-1978
- Carl Shaefer, 1963-1978
- A.Y. Jackson (Alexander Young), 1963-1978
- Marion Nicoll, 1963-1978
- Charles Comfort, 1963-1978
- David Brown, 1963-1978
- André Garant, 1963-1978
- Donald L. McLeish, 1963-1978
- Kathleen Moir Morris, 1963-1978
- Harold Town, 1963-1978
- Paul Kane, 1856-1983
- Paul Kane's Frontier, 1856-1983
- Wanderings of an Artist, 1805-1893
- Royal Ontario Museum, [ca.1914-ca.1983]
- Cornelius Krieghoff, 1822-1984
- Krieghoff, 1970-1980
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography, 1966-[ca.1979]
- Canadian Encyclopedia, 1966-[ca.1979]
- Art, Canadian
- Painting in Canada: a History, [1966-ca.1977]
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG30-D352 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte d'instruments de recherche [FA 1766] 134[ConsultationFermé]Documents iconographiques (photo)[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [HARPER, J. RUSSELL 1987-162] 4034[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [HARPER, J. RUSSELL 1988-101] 4034[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [HARPER, J. RUSSELL 1991-218] 4203[ConsultationOuvert]Documents iconographiques (art)[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1991-218][ConsultationOuvert]A301-03 No de pièce attribué par BAC 1--5[ConsultationOuvert]Documents sonores[ConsultationOuvert]Documents philatéliques[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1991-218][ConsultationOuvert]C57;[ConsultationOuvert]C8;[ConsultationOuvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Photographs: No restrictions on use. Various copyrights on items less than 50 years old. Copyright is expired on items greater than 50 years. Credit: Name of photographer / National Archives of Canada / Copy negative no.
Photographs (Acc. No. 1987-162): No restrictions on use. Copyright is unknown on photos by R. Traquair. Copyright on photos by J. Russell Harper: National Archives of Canada. Copyright is expired on other photos over 50 years old. Credit: Name of photographer / National Archives of Canada / Copy negative no.
Artistic material: No restrictions on use. Copyright: James Henderson Boyd or the Estates of Jack Humphrey and Fritz Brandtner. Credit: National Archives of Canada.
Sound recordings: Reproduction and use in any form requires the written permission of the copyright holders.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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