Alain Stanké fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Notice descriptive – Brève 1Alain Stanké fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsDate :n.d.; [1934-2016].Référence :R15713-0-5-EGenre de documents :Art, Documents photographiques, Images en mouvement, Documents sonores, Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :5186641Contexte de cette notice :Lien vers cette notice
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Notice descriptive – Détails Fonds comprend :12 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieurDate(s) :n.d.; [1934-2016].Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :37 audio cassettes (ca. 26 hrs.) : cassettes and microcassettes
2 audio reels (22 min, 15 s.)
172 videocassettes (ca. 91 hrs. 30 min): Betacam SP, U-MAtic, DVCam, Hi-8, VHS
1 wooden box
1 album (107 photographs) : 20 b&w , 97 col. (scrapbook)
7 optical disks (5 hrs.) : 12.36 GB
110.3 GB of photographs
31 film reels (ca. 4 hrs, 03 min., 51 s.) : 16 mm
8 prints : posters.
5 drawings : watercolour, pencil, ink.
21 854 photographs : 1358 b&w and 6449 col.; 1 b&w (metal plate); 48 b&w contact sheets (842 images) and 92 col. contact sheets (2014 images) ; 4714 b&w negatives and 8435 col. negatives; 757 col. slides.
2.33 m of textual records.Langue du document :françaisLangue du document additionnelle :français, anglais, lituanienPortée et contenu :The Alain Stanké fonds includes documentary resources that Alain Stanké created or compiled throughout his life and career.
The fonds includes the following series:
Writings, speeches and publications series: documents related to the works written by Stanké (including his biographical works), as well as the texts written by Stanké in connection with his various professional and cultural activities.
Journalism series: reports for various media outlets in Canada and abroad (articles, photographs, recordings, interview notes, correspondence, media clippings).
Prominent personalities series: files related to prominent personalities from various backgrounds and fields on whom Stanké reported or worked as a biographer or publisher (correspondence, photographs, notes, recordings, media clippings).
Correspondence series: business and private correspondence with individuals in literary, artistic, political, scientific, social and community circles in Canada and abroad.
Biographical and personal documents series: documents related to Stanké's youth in Europe and his arrival in Canada, as well as files related to his family and personal life.
Publisher series: the work of Stanké at les Éditions internationales Alain Stanké and other publishing houses (textual and photographic files on launches, publication promotions, book fairs, correspondence with authors and other publishers).
Awards and honours series: files related to Canada's Governor General's Awards, the Ordre national du Québec and other awards that Stanké received during his career.
Documentary films series: work, research and production records, Stanké's documentary film scripts (typescripts, correspondence, photographs, working papers).
Television series: files related to Stanké's career as host and producer of television programs, including the flagship show Les insolences d'une caméra.
Sculptures series: Stanké's work as a sculptor (exhibition files, media files, promotional materials, catalogues, photographs).
Career documents series: notably related to Stanké's work as a spokesperson for various cultural, social and community organizations, as honorary president for festivals, events and exhibitions (notes, correspondence, photographs, promotional documents, employment contracts).
Lithuania series: primarily photographs taken or accumulated by Stanké on his return trips to Lithuania; several of these photographs have been used in news reports, documentaries and/or publications.Biographie/Histoire administrative :Stanké, Alain, 1934- : Alain Stanké (Aloyzas Stankevicius) (1934-) C.M., C.Q., Canadian producer, director, journalist, publisher, writer and sculptor of Lithuanian origin. After spending his childhood in Lithuania, he lived in France after the Second World War, studying and working as a film production illustrator. In 1951, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Montréal. He began his career as a journalist at Le Petit Journal in 1954. Over the following years, he worked as a freelance journalist and later as a correspondent for several newspapers, magazines, and radio and television networks (La Presse, Maclean's, Figaro Magazine, Radio-Canada).
From 1961 to 1971, he ran les Éditions de l'Homme, then les Éditions La Presse in 1971, and in 1975 he founded his own publishing house, les Éditions internationales Alain Stanké and Stanké International, and les Éditions Libre Expression in 1976. Stanké has published approximately 2,000 titles by close to a thousand Canadian and international authors and prominent personalities (Gabrielle Roy, Yves Beauchemin, Marie-Claire Blais, Henry Miller, Pierre E. Trudeau, René Lévesque, Han Suyin, Richard Nixon, Muammar Gaddafi, etc.). He is known for publishing The Canadian Encyclopedia in 1987. As an author, Stanké has written more than 30 books, essays, reports and biographies, and his autobiography, Des barbelés dans ma mémoire (first published in 1969 by les Éditions de l'Homme).
During his career, Stanké was involved in hosting several news programs, including Le Point at Radio-Canada. Starting in 1956, he produced, either on his own or in collaborations, more than 70 short films and documentaries on television channels such as Radio-Canada, Telé-Métropole, Radio-Québec and TV5. In addition, Stanké began producing humorous hidden-camera capsules very early on, mainly for Radio-Canada's Carrefour and Rendez-vous avec Michelle programs between 1958 and 1960; Les insolences d'une caméra (inspired by Allan Funk's Candid Camera) aired from 1961 to 1966 (Niagara Films Inc., Onyx Films Inc Montréal), from 1985 to 1987 (les Productions Stanké Inc.), and again from 2001 to 2004.
Stanké is also very active in defending the rights of the poor and youth, and in promoting literacy. Since 1996, he has chaired the Board of Governors of La Fondation Travail sans frontières, an organization for the social integration of street youth. In 2001, he chaired the Francophonie et travail de rue international forum. For several years, he has been involved in fundraising campaigns for organizations such as Development and Peace, Accueil Bonneau, Quebec's Literacy Foundation, and LOVE (which works to end violence against youth).
Stanké has chaired several organizations, panels and foundations that promote the arts and culture in Quebec and Canada: president of the Société des éditeurs de publications internationales d'Amérique (1977); member of Canada's Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee, 1980-1982; member of the jury of the Judith-Jasmin award for excellence in journalism (1984); president of the federal prison literary and artistic competition in Quebec (1990-1992); ambassador for Rencontre des arts (1997-2012); chair of the jury of the International Festival of Films on Art (2005); and ambassador of Montréal Capitale Mondiale du Livre (UNESCO, 2006). He served on the Historica Foundation advisory committee and the honours advisory council for the Order of Canada (2009-2010).
Stanké has received many awards throughout his career, including the Wilderness Award (1967) for the film Cent ans déjà! In 1971, Accord and the Government of Quebec honoured him for his outstanding contribution to spreading Quebec's influence in publishing and journalism. He received the Toastmasters International Communications and Leadership Award (1983) for his work as a leader in the Quebec-Ontario-New York region. He received the Fleury Mesplet award in 2006 for his contribution to publishing in Quebec. He has been a member of the Order of Canada since 1998, and of the Ordre national du Québec since 2003. In 2011, he received a commendation from Veterans Affairs Canada for his contribution to the perpetuation of the memory of the sacrifices and achievements of Canadians in armed conflicts. He was also awarded the Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 and the Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012.
Stanké has engaged in woodcarving for many years, participating in numerous exhibitions and openings across Quebec, Canada and the world. In 2012, he donated his sculptures to the Musée québécois de culture populaire de Trois-Rivières.Instrument de recherche :(Électronique) Audio-visual material : Electronic Please refer to the Film, Video and Sound (MISACS) database for item level descriptions. (90: Ouvert)Multiple media : Finding aid is a file list describing volumes 1 to 44 (Électronique) MSS2573 (90: Ouvert)Information additionnelle :Note générale :Documents acquired from Alain Stanké in 2016, 2019 and 2021.Note sur l'emplacement des documents connexes :The recordings of several television and short film productions by Alain Stanké were submitted to the Cinémathèque québécoise in 2001.
Documents from les Éditions internationales Alain Stanké can be found at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.
Stanké's woodcarvings were given to the Musée québécois de culture populaire de Trois-Rivières in 2012.Source :PrivéNo de contrôle reliés :2016-00262-X
2019-00244-2 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Document de restrictions à l'accèsDocuments iconographiques (art)[Consultation90 Ouvert]Documents iconographiques (photo)[Consultation96 Restrictions varient]Documents iconographiques (photo): électroniques[Consultation90 Ouvert]Images en mouvement (film)[Consultation90 Ouvert]Images en mouvement (vidéo)[Consultation90 Ouvert]Documents sonores[Consultation96 Restrictions varient]Documents textuels[Consultation96 Restrictions varient]Documents textuels: électroniques[Consultation95 Ouvert sans droit de reproduction]Modalités d'utilisation :Textual record: Copyright applies. No manuscript in full or in part, nor letter, nor excerpt can be reproduced without the written authorization of Alain Stanké and or or his Estate.
Moving images (video): Copyright applies. Open to consultation. No reproduction without the consent of Alain Stanké or the copyright holder. Originals have been removed from circulation, researchers need to consult reference copies.
Graphic material (photo): Copyright applies. Mandatory source: Alain Stanké (and/or photographer); Library and Archives Canada. Consultation allowed except in specific cases. No reproduction without the consent of Alain Stanké or the photographer and/or the copyright holder.
Graphic material (art): Copyright applies. Open to consultation. Credit: Alain Stanké (and/or artist); Library and Archives Canada.
Object: limited consultation. Consultation under the supervision of a Specialized Media archivist.
Moving images (film): Copyright applies.
Sound recording: Copyright applies.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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