Series is comprised of drawings taken by the artist on a sketching trip through the province of Québec in 1972. They depict different locations and subjects as follows: (63) Québec City: famous streets, restaurants, buildings, also city dwellers, landmarks and monuments including la rue d'artisans, Champlain's monument; (28) Anse-a-Beaufils: fishing activities, boats, cleaning the fish, equipment maintenace, local inhabitants; (36) l'Isle d'Orléans: farms and farming activities and inhabitants, farmers pitching hay, ploughing, sawing wood, women in traditional clothing, baking bread, farm animals, traditional Québec homesteads; (13) Saint-Jean-Port-Joli: many people studies, portraits and shops of artisans; (71) Percé: fishing activities, fishermen launching boats, reeling in boats, children fishing, mending and drying nets, cleaning fish, loading fish on lifts, lobster traps, village houses and Percé rock.