Données mathématiques sur les documents :
Scale: 1:15,840
Note sur les autres formats physiques disponibles :
The microfiche version is NMC20709 (1875(1874)).
Note sur les dates de création :
Two dates are used because the surveying was completed in 1874 and the map was published on 1 January 1875.
Groupes de documents reliés :
For more maps on Red River and St. Peter, please see the series for the 510 and 535 classifications., There are three versions of this map. This map shows dimensions and acreage of lots, land under cultivation and woodlands. The second version (Mikan/item number 4158152) is a transcript made in 1930 by J. T. Chalifour (checked by A. D. Stewart), Technical Division, Dominion Lands Administration. It shows additional information concerning names of lot owners, sales, etc, with various dates as late as 1930. There is also a third version of this map from the CLSR collection (Mikan/item number 5234566).