Recherche dans la collection - Ann Bauer collection [graphic material]
Hiérarchie Ann Bauer collection [graphic material]
Niveau hiérarchique :CollectionContexte de cette notice :Collection comprend :34 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Notice descriptive Ann Bauer collection [graphic material]
Date :ca. 1850-1950.Référence :R13662-0-X-EGenre de documents :Art, Documents photographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :4015084Date(s) :ca. 1850-1950.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :534 photographs b&w
32 reproductions photomechanical process printsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Collection consists of photographs depicting: Activities of the Rogers family and friends, Gananoque, Ont., ca. 1900- 1930; boating; camping; motoring; picnicking; photography; sports; Gananoque, Kingston, Jones Falls, Grippen Lake, Carleton Place, Ottawa, Ont.; Edinburgh, Scotland; student activity at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., ca. 1900; canoe races, Carleton Place, Ont., 1928. Photos by Arch, Alwyn, and Hubert Rogers. Photographs depicting: C.G.S. ACADIA, Gananoque, Ont., ca. 1920-1926; activities of the Rogers family and friends, Gananoque, Ont., ca. 1900-1926; portraits of men, women and children, mostly unidentified, ca. 1850-1926, by the following photographers: W.W. Black, James McParland, H.E. Paige, H.A. Parker, all Gananoque; Dunn and Co., A.C. McIntyre & Co., Murray & McParland, all Brockville, H. Henderson, Richardson, Sheldon, all Kingston; Moore, Smith Falls, Weese, Belleville; Jarvis, Topley, Ottawa; Lalonde & Son, Notman, Montreal, I. Bennetto & Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Also included are postcards: Ontario (Niagara Falls, Gananoque), Easter Greetings, humour; and a pamphlet called "The History of Our Flag", describing the Union Jack.Provenance :Source :Privé -
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