Recherche dans la collection - Executive Assistant - Linda Clifford [textual record]
Hiérarchie Executive Assistant - Linda Clifford [textual record]
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Notice descriptive Executive Assistant - Linda Clifford [textual record]
Date :1972-1985.Référence :R12298-7914-6-EGenre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :3838689Date(s) :1972-1985.Lieu de création :OntarioÉtendue :2.14 m of textual records.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Linda Clifford was Whelan's chief-of-staff during his second tenure of the ministry. This sub-series consists of the records left at her desk at the time of Whelan's departure from public life.
There is no identifiable thrust to her papers. But they seem to cover everything. They range from files on significant policy issues to social events and her "memorial" spring-time golf tournament. They consist of correspondence, memos, notes, briefings, print and near-print material, meeting agendas and minutes, news clippings and near0-print material.
Many of the files demonstrate her activity as Chief-of-staff of Whelan's office; this is their major historical value. They contain her input on issues, express her directing influence in the office, her direction of taskings to others, as well as outreach through news releases. Regional offices of the department were located under her mandate, and she handled exchanges between the Minister and his Deputy Ministers, G. Lussier and J.P. Connell, as well as memos to other ministers. She also managed Liberal Party activities for the Minister. There is also a substantial run of Farm Credit Corporation files in this sub-series. On some of the records in this sub-series, there is occasional minster's often inimitable glossing.
The significance of this series is self-evident - it reflects how a minister inter-acted with his Chief-of-Staff, and the nature of that significant position in the Minister's office.Source :Privé -
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