Recherche dans la collection - Department of Communications fonds [multiple media]
Hiérarchie Department of Communications fonds [multiple media]
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Notice descriptive Department of Communications fonds [multiple media]
Date :1902-1993.Référence :R1203-0-0-E, RG97Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Dessins d'architecture et techniques, Cartes et documents cartographiques, Images en mouvement, Documents sonoresTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :343Date(s) :1902-1993.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :ca. 96.33 m of textual records.
ca. 592 technical drawings.
381 architectural drawings.
8 maps. 113 x 140 cm or smaller.
1 v.(9 p.)
ca. 501 videocassettes (ca. 414 h)
35 film reels (ca. 14 h, 30 min)
ca. 290 audio cassettes (ca. 341 h, 5 min)
5 video reels (ca. 2 h, 30 min)
ca. 343 audio reels (ca. 342 h, 16 min)
1 reproduction lithographie offset.
2 medallic.
2 artefacts : stamp.
2 reproductions : col. photomechanical.
4 cut and paste : photomechanical, col.
8170 photographs : 395 b&w prints, 2514 col. prints, 972 b&w negatives, 2072 col. negatives, 5 b&w contact sheet, 1 col. contact sheet, 1865 col. slides, 310 col. transparencies.
40 postcards : photomechanical, col.
7 calendars : photomechanical.
2 collage : paper, mylar, pen and ink.
14 reproductions : photomechanical reproductions.
7 flags.
1 window decal.Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, françaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of records created and/or maintained by the Department of Communications and its predecessors. Researchers are cautioned that unprocessed textual records and records in other media are not reflected in this description.
Audio-visual material is found in the following series records: Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee; Miscellaneous motion pictures and sound recordings; and Task Force on Professional Training in the Cultural Sector.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Canada. Dept. of Communications : The Department of Communications was created under part II of the 1969 Government Organization Act (s.c.1968-69,c.28). As set out in the Act, the Department's responsibilities were to promote the establishment, development and efficiency of communication systems and facilities for Canada; assist Canadian communications systems and facilities to adjust to changing domestic and international conditions; plan and co-ordinate telecommunications services for departments, branches and agencies of the Government of Canada; compile and keep up to date detailed information in respect of communication systems and facilities and trends and developments in Canada and abroad relating to communication matters; and take such action as may be necessary to secure, by international regulation or otherwise, the rights of Canada in communication matters. In 1980, the Department's mandate was broadened to include policies and programs affecting the cultural industries, heritage, and support for Canadian creators.
The telecommunications and electronics branch of the Department of Transportation was one of the predecessors of the Department of Communications, along with the radio branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, and the Government telegraph and telephone service of the Department of Public Works, which the Department of Transportation acquired in 1936 and 1948 respectively.
The policy, program, and operational responsibilities of the Department of Communications were divided among four regions, led by regional executive directors, and six sectors, each headed by assistant deputy ministers: Research and Spectrum, Communications Policy, Arts and Heritage, Quebec, Corporate Policy, and Corporate Management. These ten managers, along with the Deputy Minister, constituted the Department's senior management team.
The Minister of Communications was responsible to Parliament for enabling legislation for certain Crown corporations, Departmental corporations, regulatory agencies and branches of government. The Minister's portfolio included: the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Telefilm Canada, the National Arts Centre, the National Film Board of Canada, the National Museum of Science and Technology, the National Aviation Museum, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, including the Canadian War Museum, the National Gallery of Canada, the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, the National Archives of Canada, the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board, and the Canada Council.
Due to government reorganization, under Bill C-53 passed in the House of Commons on 15 December 1994, many of the responsibilities of the defunct Department of Communications were inherited by the Department of Canadian Heritage and Industry Canada.Information additionnelle :Source du titre :17-18 Elizabeth II, 1968-69, c.28Versements complémentaires :Further accruals are expected.Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG97 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels[ConsultationRestreint selon la loi]Dessins techniques architecturaux[ConsultationOuvert]Documents cartographiques[ConsultationOuvert]Images en mouvement (film)[ConsultationOuvert]Images en mouvement (vidéo)[ConsultationOuvert]Documents sonores[ConsultationRestrictions varient]Modalités d'utilisation :Copyright belongs to the Crown.
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