Gugy and Porteous family fonds [graphic material]
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Hiérarchie Gugy and Porteous family fonds [graphic material]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :4 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche On-line on Minisis at item level (Électronique) 1982-122-1 to 1982-122-4(Papier) 1982-122 Accession file -
Notice descriptive Gugy and Porteous family fonds [graphic material]
Date :1733-1833.Référence :R18366-0-1-EGenre de documents :ArtTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :165523Date(s) :1733-1833.Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :3 paintings miniature: watercolour on paper and ivory
1 collage silhouette: cut and/or pasteLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :The accession consists of three portrait miniatures: one possibly of Colonel Bartholomew Gugy, possibly Mrs. Jeanne Elizabeth Gugy (Tessier de la Tour), and possibly John Porteous II. Accession also consists of one silhouette of Thomas Porteous attributed to Jarvis Hankes. Bartholomew Gugy is said to have been a Swiss officer in the Dutch army, Regiment of Count Sonnenburg, in the late 17th, early 18th century. He was the father of Conrad Gugy (1730-1786) and Barthelemi Gugy (ca. 1740-1766?), the grandfather of Louis Gugy (1770-1840), Barthelemi's son. Both sons settled in Canada. His wife was Jeanne Elizabeth Tessier de la Tour. John Porteous II (b. 1776) may be the son of John Porteous who emigrated from Scotland to New Brunswick and then went to Montreal in 1765. Information supplied by the source suggests that in 1818 he married into the Gugy family, marrying a daughter of the Gugy's named Amelie. Since the dates do not correlate, it is possible Amelie was a younger family member, perhaps a grand-daughter. Thomas Porteous (1765-1830) was a businessman, politician, militia officer, and officer holder. He was one of the original share-holders of the Bank of Montreal and director from 1818-1823, and 1826-1827.Provenance :Information additionnelle :Historique de la conservation :By family descent through the family of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Porteous.Source :Privé -
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