Fonds consists of several items, predominantly related to Sir Sandford Fleming. One four page section or off-print from the "Transactions of the Royal Society of Canadians", containing an address by the President, Sir Sanford Fleming, K.C. M.G., on the subject of the Unit Measure of Time, read May 27, 1890. An unidentified newspaper clipping of a poem about Sir Sanford Fleming's death, published July 23 1915 by Canadian Poet Wilfred Campbell. An enlarged photostat, printed ca. 1930s by Clarke, reproducing the page from the diary of Sir Sanford Fleming concerning the design for the 1851 three pence Beaver stamp. Three pieces of correspondence, 1951, 1972, addressed to Clarke, Morrisburg, Ont., two pertaining to Sir Sanford Fleming, the third a letter of thanks from the House of Commons, on an unrelated matter.
Fonds also contains two private issue postal covers commemorating the June 26 1959 opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Graphic material consists of photographic depictions of: the Boer War, South Africa, 1900; three Canadian family albums including one belonging to Isabel Josephine Vickers, 1880-1890; scenes in News Brunswick; Hitler and collegues in years preceeding World War II; ten unidentified ambrotypes, circa 1850; activities of Blackfoot and Cree Indians along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway in western Canada; views of the Klondike gold rush.