Recherche dans la collection - Kingston Mills lockmaster [textual record]
Hiérarchie Kingston Mills lockmaster [textual record]
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Notice descriptive Kingston Mills lockmaster [textual record]
Date :1848-1937Référence :R610-205-X-E, RG43-C-I-2-qGenre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :137233Date(s) :1848-1937Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :0.9 m of textual recordsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Sub-series consists of records created and maintained by the lockmaster at Kingston Mills, on the Rideau Canal. Records include a statement book of lock dues collected, 1848-1851, 1855-1857 and 1859-1860; statements and accounts of rents received, 1848-1859; cash account, 1857; list of cheques, 1857-1858, giving name of labourer and amount paid; weekly reports of work and repairs at the locks, 1864-1893; 1897-1916; statements of vessels and merchandise moving through the locks, 1864-1867; returns of hydraulic rents, 1897- 1908, 1920-1929; correspondence, 1864-1867, 1878, 1882, 1893-1922; water level reports, 1866-1869, 1897-1899; cash books, 1863-1864, 1866-1920; and lockmaster's journals, 1899- 1937. Certain of these old record books were used by a later lockmaster as a scrapbook for preserving his correspondence during the years 1893 to 1913 (Vol. 1983, item 5, and Vol. 1987).
The records in this series also include an aggregate register for Kingston Mills, 1865-1870, and a canal register, 1867-1868, which gives vessel name and owner, type, from/to, cargo, quantity, tonnage and amount of toll. These records may have been maintained by the collector of canal tolls at Kingston Mills.Biographie/Histoire administrative :Canada. Dept. of Transport. Lockmaster (Kingston Mills, Ont.) : The lockmaster at Kingston Mills on the Rideau Canal was in direct charge of the lock station and reported to the Superintending Engineer of the Rideau Canal. The lockmaster enforced canal regulations, compiled statistics, supervised labourers, and prepared journals and reports. RG43 General InventoryInformation additionnelle :Source du titre :Title is based on the contents of the sub-series.Versements complémentaires :No further accruals are expected.Groupes de documents reliés :Researchers interested in the operations or history of individual lock stations should also consult the letterbooks of the Superintending Engineer as well as the Canal Branch records described in the Canal Branch series, MIKAN 134577, RG43-B. The Andrew Merrilees Collection, in the Manuscript Division (MIKAN 102280, MG 31, series A10) contains original Rideau Canal records including lock records from the following locations: Lower Brewers' Mills, 1860-1862; Merrickville, 1837-1860; and Old Sly's, 1834-1880.Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG43-C-I-2-q -
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