Capital punishment case files [textual record]
Notice descriptive – Brève 1Capital punishment case files [textual record]
Niveau hiérarchique :Sous-sérieDate :1867-1976Référence :R188-53-2-E, RG13-B-1Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :133981Contexte de cette notice :Lien vers cette notice
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Notice descriptive – Détails Sous-série comprend :1701 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieurDate(s) :1867-1976Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :90.25 m of textual records.Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, françaisPortée et contenu :Sub-series consists of case files on most of the individuals convicted of capital murder from 1867 to 1976. Under section 937 of the Criminal Code of 1892, the court where the trial of a capital case took place reported to the Secretary of State to inform the Governor General. In practice, the transcripts of the trial were forwarded to the Remissions Branch of the Department of Justice of Canada. The officials of this branch considered the merits of each case and prepared recommendations to the Governor General on the final disposition of the case. The latter then decided whether to carry out the execution of the individual or to commute the death sentence to life imprisonment. The final decision was in the form of an order in council. By 1952, the Legal Branch of the Department had absorbed the functions of the Remissions Branch, including the consideration of applications for clemency. In 1966, the responsibility for the disposition of capital cases shifted from the Department of Justice to the recently established Department of the Solicitor General, a responsibility, which continued until the abolition of the death penalty in 1976.
Capital case files may include internal Justice memoranda; correspondence with lawyers, judges and other court officials; medical reports; judges' summaries of the trial proceedings and transcripts of the trial; petitions; newspaper clippings; and photographs.Instrument de recherche :Textual records (Électronique) The finding aid's file level descriptions can be accessed through the "consists of" field in the MIKAN record. A paper copy is also available in the Reference room. The finding aid is a file list for volumes 1407-1854. 13-54 (90: Ouvert)Textual records (Papier) The finding aid contains references found in volumes 1407-1854 to individuals who received the death sentence. English version: 13-39 (90: Ouvert) records (Papier) The finding aid contains references found in volumes 1407-1854 to individuals who received the death sentence. French version: 13-39 (90: Ouvert) additionnelle :Note sur les expositions :Exhibition Title: Treasured Memories 3: A National Archives of Canada Exhibition. [125th Anniversary of the National Archives]. Curator: Martin Tétreault, National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; 1998.11.10 - 1999.11.30 (Manuscript - Charge to the Jury - RG13 - vol.1407 - first page - [P. Whelan] - September 12, 1868)Note sur les limites à la consultation :Because of physical conservation concerns, only supervised consultation of the files in volumes 1435, 1436, 1437 is permitted. This restriction will be in effect until those files are scanned, at which point researchers will be required to consult the electronic copy of those files.Versements complémentaires :No further accruals are expected.Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique : -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels[Consultation96 Restrictions varient]Volume [RG13][Consultation 90 Ouvert]1407--1459;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1461--1507;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1509--1510;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1513;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1515--1519;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1521--1524;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1526--1528;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1530--1533;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1536--1538;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1540--1541;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1543--1544;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1547--1549;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1551--1552;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1554--1556;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1558--1562;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1564--1569;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1573;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1575--1576;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1578;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1580--1583;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1587--1589;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1591;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1593;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1596--1598;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]1600--1601;[Consultation 90 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Restreint selon la loi]1778--1781;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]1784--1785;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]1787--1790;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]1792--1805;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]1807;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]1809--1831;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]1834--1840;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]1843--1854;[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]Volume [R188] 5981[Consultation 90 Ouvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Copyright belongs to the Crown.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. 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