Series consists of correspondence arranged alphabetically by Harold Town, dating predominantly 1955-1966. Included are letters from individuals, publications, arts associations, galleries and cultural institutions. These include the Art Directors Club, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Art Gallery of Toronto (Ontario), Baxter Art Foundation, Brooklyn Museum, Canadian Group of Painters, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Art, Chatelaine, Canadian Homes, Detroit Institute of Art, Dorothy Cameron Gallery, Edmonton Art Gallery, O.J. Firestone, Globe and Mail, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Hortense Gordon, Imperial Oil Limited, Isaacs Gallery, Elizabeth Kilbourn, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Walter Klinkhoff Gallery, London Art Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Massey College, Musée des beaux-arts, Guido Molinari, Hart Massey.
Correspondence is also from McClelland and Stewart, McCord Museum, McGill University, Maclean's, National Gallery of Canada (with Donald Buchanan, Kathleen Fenwick, J. Russell Harper, R.H. Hubbard and Alan Jarvis), Norman McKenzie Art Gallery, Toni Onley, Philip Pocock, John Parkin, Regina College, Stratford Festival, Toronto Life, Toronto Telegram, Tate Gallery, University of Alberta, U.N.E.S.C.O., Vancouver Art Gallery, Walker Art Center, Weekend Magazine, Winnipeg Art Gallery and York University.