The series consists of the official correspondence received in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) during Pearson's first term as Prime Minister (1963-1965). The series is subdivided into three albums of photographs and three sub-series: numbered subject files, secret subject files and Algoma East Constituency files. The files contain incoming correspondence, copies of outgoing letters, telegrams, memoranda, briefing reports and other background documentation. The files document all matters that were handled through the PMO including defence, economic matters, government affairs, resource development, social welfare and external affairs. Correspondents range from ordinary Canadians to foreign state officials. Related clippings files can be found in series N11, particularly in sub-series N11, C2.
A file list is available for the entire series. Researchers may also wish to consult the nominal and subject card index for this series which is available in series N13. Series N13 also contains separate indexes for the constituency sub-series.
In addition, researchers should note that Series N3 references 277 files with "Transferred to Nov 1965" as part of their file title, bur for which the files in Series N3 will be empty. While these PMO correspondence files were originally received during Pearson's first mandate (1963-1965), as they would still have been opened when the Federal Election was called on November 8th, 1965, they were carried over and incorporated into the PMO correspondence files of Pearson's second mandate, and can be found in Series N4 by searching upon the original file number.