Recherche dans la collection - John Henry Pope fonds [textual record]
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Notice descriptive John Henry Pope fonds [textual record]
Date :1880-1884.Référence :R4039-0-0-E, MG27-ID14Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :104555Date(s) :1880-1884.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :6 cm of textual records.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of two letterbooks, 1880-1881, 1883, containing general correspondence as Minister of Agriculture. The communications are for the most part from a succession of Pope's private or acting private secretaries, and respond primarily to requests for appointments as emigration agents, census commissioners or enumerators. There is a limited amount of correspondence to do with government expenditures at the Paris Exhibition; Manitoba colonization; government immigration pamphlets; and requests for information regarding government subsidy of immigrant passage, agricultural land and labourers. Each letterbook contains an alphabetical index according to the name of the addressee. Three letters from Sir John A. Macdonald, 1883-1884, concerning negotiations for the sale of land for colonization.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Pope, John Henry, 1824-1889 : John Henry Pope was born in Eaton Township, Lower Canada and became an investor and promoter in Cookshire, Quebec. He was director of several railway companies, a bank and gas and water companies. He was a Conservative member of the Legislative Assembly of Canada, 1857-1867, and of the House of Commons, 1867-1889. As Minister of Agriculture, 1871-1873, 1878-1885, he was also responsible for Canada's Census and Statistics; Immigration and Canadian Emigration Agents abroad; the supervision of quarantine regulations and public health; patent registry; and Canadian participation in International Exhibitions. Pope subsequently held the portfolio of Minister of Railways and Canals, 1885-1889. See: Johnson, Directory of Parliament, p. 469.__Information additionnelle :Note générale :Received in 1984 from Lt. Col. Thomas Pope Gilday of Toronto, Ont.Vedette-matière :- Canada - Officials and employees
- Paris, France - Exhibitions
- Canada - Appropriations and expenditures
- Emigration agents - [1880-1881, 1883] Canada. Minister of Agriculture, 1880-1881, 1883-1884
- Emigration and immigration - Government policy, [1880-1881, 1883] Exposition universelle (1878: Paris, France), [1880-1881, 1883]
- Canada - Emigration and immigration, [1880-1881, 1883] Canada. Parliament. House of Commons, 1880-1881, 1883-1884
- Subsidies - Canada, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Canada - Government publications, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Land sales - Canada, 1883-1884
- Land subsidies - Canada, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Land settlement - History, 1883-1884
- Agricultural labourers - Canada, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Agriculture - Canada - History - Sources, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Labourers - Canada, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Exhibitions - France, [1880-1881,1883]
- Canada - Emigration and immigration - Government policy, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Canada - Officials and employees - Selection and appointment, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Census commissioners - Canada, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Manitoba - Settlement, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Manitoba - History, [1880-1881, 1883]
- Hommes politiques Canada
- Politicians Canada
- Canada
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG27-ID14 -
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