Recherche dans la collection - Plan of the Seigy of Desrosiers situated in the District of Three Rivers bounded to the N.W. in front partly by the Fief Pierreville and partly by the Seigy of St François, to the S.E. in depth by the township of Upton, on the N.E. side by River St François and on the S.W., West and South by Bourgmarie East, Lavallière and partly by the Seigy of DeRamsay. Surveyed the out lines in the month of March, 1810 and West line of Upton and subdivision, in the month of Augt, Sepr, October and part of Novr. of the same year. Agreeable to the field book and purt to letters of instructions from J. Wertel Esqr the proprietor and Seigr of said Seigniory. Longueil, Novr. 26th 1810 [cartographic material]