Recherche dans la collection - North West Claims Commission - Winnipeg, Manitoba - W.C. No. 378, M.M. and D. A2536, Capt. Oswald, Steele's Scouts, Pay and compensation to Troopers Fisk and West. A full report on Trooper Fisk's case was made under date of 23rd Sept.; W.O. No. 114, and in the case of Trooper West, a supplementary report was made under date of 13th Oct., recommending $110 for loss of horse [...|; W.C. No. 378, M.M. and D. A2538, Capt. Oswald, compensation to Steele's Scouts, for loss of Clothing. The Commission are unable to express an opinion on this claim pending the receipt of the Record of proceedings of the Board of Enquiry which appears to have been forwarded to the Dept.; W.C. No. 378, M.M. and D. A2539, Capt. Oswald, Compensation due Steele's Scouts for horses injured, etc. [...]; W.C. 378, M.M. and D. A2540, Capt. Oswald, pay due to Steel's Scouts [...]; W.C. No. 379, Martin and Kelly, Teamster, horses lost, etc., $710, Rejected; W.C. No. 288, J. Rose, per Thos. Kelly, teaming 32 days at $5 = $160, Recommended