Charles Reichling fonds [textual record, graphic material]
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Hiérarchie Charles Reichling fonds [textual record, graphic material]
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Notice descriptive Charles Reichling fonds [textual record, graphic material]
Date :1879-1922.Référence :R18446-0-4-E, MUS 160Genre de documents :Documents photographiques, Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :211105Date(s) :1879-1922.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :4 cm of textual records
12 photographsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :The fonds consists of records pertaining to the musical activities of Charles Reichling: correspondence; manuscripts and published scores (annotated) of violin music; press clippings; photographs of Charles Reichling, members of his family, and musical groups.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Reichling, Charles, 1854-1922 : Violinist, conductor and music teacher born in Germany. Charles Reichling pursued his career in Montréal, Quebec, where his family moved when he was an adolescent, after 10 years in New York. He participated in concerts with such renowned artists as Calixa Lavallée and Frantz Jehin-Prume. Reichling was also accredited as a violinist with governors-general Lord Lansdowne and Lord Stanley of Preston.Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MUS 160 -
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