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Date : 1850-1859
Affichage de 26 - 50 sur 119 résultats filtrés
  1. 26
    28 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 16TH VICTORIA ..On Monday, the 6th of June, in this Term, the fol-GALT AND GUELPH RAILWAY COMPANY.lowing Gentlemen were called to the degree of 
  2. 27
    25 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 18th VICT ., 1855.By Order,".During this present Term the following GentlemenJOHN M. GRANT," we're' called to the degree of Barrister at Law 
  3. 28
    44 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 17TH VICTORIE, 1854. ! ') ;Montreal, 12th June, 1854.1:55 622-3During the present Term of Easter the followingTHE GRAND TRUNK . RAILWAY 
  4. 29
    52 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 21ST VICTORIA.first, third, fourth and fifth), and such works in Ancientand Modern Geography land. History as the. Candi-During this Term df Easter 
  5. 30
    32 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 20TH VICTORIA.order, be in the following books, with which suchOn Monday, the 1st day of June, in this Term, theCandidates will be expected to 
  6. 31
    60 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, for admission asan Attorney and Solicitor of said Courts.5 2 -By order of the Board,WM. SACHE, Cashior. ")THOMAS HODGINS,Molsons Bank,Toronto 
  7. 32
    44 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM,' 20TH VICTORIA? "taneou's Equations," Metaphysics, , (Walker's and- On Monday, the 1st day of June, in this Term, theWhateley's Logic and 
  8. 33
    64 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 218T VICTORIA. O.and Modern Geography and History as the Candi-During this Term of Easter, the following Gentle-dates may have read. For the 
  9. 34
    56 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 21ST VICTORIA. MDuring this Term of Easter, the following Gentle-TOTICE is hereby given that application will bemen. were called to the Degree 
  10. 35
    48 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 20TH VICTORIA.On Monday, the 1st day of June, in this Term, theCandidates will be expected to be thoroughly familiar,that is to say 
  11. 36
    48 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 17TH VICTORIA, 1854.with the above named LA Moreau, Esquire.During the present Term of Easter the following Montreal, 12th June, 1854. [AN " 1 
  12. 37
    40 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, 17th Victoria, 1854.633-3DEUPPERTOTICE .- The undersigned, for several yearsNotary at St. Philippe, now resides in the CitySOCIETYof Montreal 
  13. 38
    60 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, to be admitted andpresent Session, for an Act to authorize the erection enrolled a Solicitor and Attorney of the said Courts. of a Bridge or 
  14. 39
    40 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 18th VICT ., 1855.Shares in the late St. Lawrence and AtlanticDuring this present Term the following GentlemenRailroad Company, the Quebec and 
  15. 40
    51 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, to be admitted andsoll, county of Oxford ... Easter Term next, for partition ofPATRICK FREELAND, Toronto,AN BUELL. ...Lots numbers Twenty 
  16. 41
    64 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, for admission asProvincial Parliament, for . an Act to provide for aan Attorney and Solicitor of said Courts.THOMAS HODGINS, . ...proper survey 
  17. 42
    56 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, pursuant to the Act in such case made362-1and provided ..Dated at London, C. W ., the 3rd day of March, 1859.OTICE is hereby given that John 
  18. 43
    36 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, 14th Victoria. 2 25.827-3TOTICE .- The Commissioners for the Canal ofLN . Riverdu Chene, in the County ot Two Mountains,OFUPPERwill receive 
  19. 44
    48 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 19TH VICTORIA.o'clock A. M ., of each day, and those for admissionOn Monday, 2d June, in this Term, Henry Brindleyin the Junior Class, on the 
  20. 45
    44 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 19TH VICTORIA.On Monday, 2d June, in this Term, Henry Brindleylike the Junior Class, on the latter of those days, at theMorphy and 
  21. 46
    42 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 13TH VICTORIA.'In the present Term of Easter, on Tuesday, 11thVESPRA.June, the following Gentlemen were admitted into the2nd Con : 18, 12s. 6d 
  22. 47
    46 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term next, for partition ofLots numbers Twenty-one and Twenty-two, in thefirst Concession of the Township of McGillivray,.11 . CHANCERY NOTICE TO 
  23. 48
    48 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 19TH VICTORIA.Toronto, 28th May, 1856..: On Monday, 2d June, in this Term, Henry BrindleyPRESENT :Morphy and Henry Edward Bennett, Esquires 
  24. 49
    58 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, to be admitted andformed to carry on business under the name ofenrolled a" Solicitor and Attorney of the said Courts "HIBBARD & Co ., under the 
  25. 50
    56 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter. Term, I shall apply to Her Majesty's Courts ofSPECIAL GENERAL MEETING.Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Chancery, forASpecial General Meeting of the 
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