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Date : 1840-1849
Affichage de 26 - 50 sur 57 résultats filtrés
  1. 26
    16 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter Term, 12th & 13th Victoria. . .. 983-3BANKRUPT NOTICES.CANADAIN BANKRUPTCY ..In the matter of JOHN NICHOLSON and ROBERTNICHOLSON, of the City and 
  2. 27
    16 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 8TH & OTH VICTORIA.In the Present Term of Easter, the following-Gentlemen were called to the Degree of Barrister atLaw.On Saturday, 14th June 
  3. 28
    24 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... easter-" the north-west line of the said land of the Fabrique," ly,running along the land or cordon which separates" thence north-casterly along the said 
  4. 29
    16 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter-Montreal, 25th Sept. 1845. 1 Minly corners of said Lots 14 add 15 to the top of theMountain, for an allowance for a Road from the Eas-TOTICE is 
  5. 30
    17 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter-said JULIET, as the Sister of the hal blood of thely corners of said Lots 14 and wo to the top of theHonorable RICHARD DONCAN, formerly of Williams 
  6. 31
    23 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... easter-" land of the Fabrique of the said Parish ; thence" south-casterly along the middle of the snid road to" ly, running along the land or cordon which 
  7. 32
    25 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... easter-and doth by these presente, recognize, designate, and" ly, running along the land or cordon which separatesdeclare the said tract of Territory known 
  8. 33
    15 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter, the following~Queen Streets, Griffin Town, within this City, now inGentlemen were called to the degree of Barrister atthe possession of Mr. JAMES 
  9. 34
    20 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter the following Gentle.of Montreal, his Certificate of Discharge, will, on theTWENTY-FIFTH "day of JULY next, sittingmen were called to the degree of 
  10. 35
    17 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter, the followingBach, in the City of Montreal are, from and afterGentlemen were called to the Degree of' Barrister atthis date, and until further 
  11. 36
    18 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter, the followingGentlemen were called to the degree of Barrister atDISSOLUTION OF ; PARTNERSHIP -! AMLaw: foons on to MA ads booms of the de 101 
  12. 37
    18 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter, the followingout payment of duty on the first Entry thereof, underGentlemen were called to the degree of Barrister atLaw :the provisions of the said 
  13. 38
    20 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter, the followingtheir consents, to the satisfaction of the Com-Gentlemen were called to the degree of Barrister atLaw :mittee."Fifty-sinth Order 
  14. 39
    26 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter week, in each and every" the Third, ASSENT THERETO, of which all Our lovingyear, after due notice thereof given during the divineSubjects will take 
  15. 40
    18 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter the following Gentle-devrait être sacrée et parfaitement libre, ainsi que lesmen were called to the degree of Barrister at Law :deux autres Branches 
  16. 41
    20 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... EASTER TERM, 9TH & 10TH VICTORIA... 6-m -On Wednesday, 19th June, in the present Term oEaster, William Alexander Garrett, Esquire, wasAPPLICATIONS !!called 
  17. 42
    20 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter," the followingGentlemen were called to the degree of Barrister atMontreal, 1st June, 1848. .. .Clk. Asst. and Dy. Clk. Leg. Council. Law: a wy way 
  18. 43
    16 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter- .the Court of Queen's Beuch to admit him to practicely corners of, said Lots 14 and 15 to the top of theas an Attorney for that part of this 
  19. 44
    16 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter District, acting in the matter of the saidVY : the Dalhousie District, acting in the matter ofPetition, on the TWENTY-SIXTH day of APRIL,at TWELVE o 
  20. 45
    16 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter-titled unto. from the Crown, and which at his deathly corners of said Lots 14 and 15 to the top of thebecame escheated or escheatable unto the Crown 
  21. 46
    26 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter District,St. Catherines, 7th December, 1546.9paying to be examined touching our deles, estate andeffects, and to be protected from all Process upon 
  22. 47
    24 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter-Judge District Court,ly corners of said Lots 14: and 101.0.the top oftheHome District.Mountain, for an allowance for a Rond from the Besterly corner 
  23. 48
    31 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter-1845, in addition to the Taxes which may beunsed for the year 1846 'and to enforce the performhandly corners of said Lots 14 and 15 to the top of 
  24. 49
    32 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter-1845, in addition to the Taxes which may be asses-ly corners of said Lots 14 and 15 to the top of thesed for the year 1846 'and to enforce, the 
  25. 50
    24 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Gazette du Canada, 1841 à 1997
    No d'identification :
    ... Easter-nents du Conseil Législatif du Canada corners of said Lots 14 and 15 to the top of theMountain, for an allowance for a Road from the Eas 
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