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Trouvé dans : Bibliothèque
Date : 1910-1919
Contenu Co-Lab : Non
Affichage de 1 - 25 sur 763 résultats filtrés
  1. 1
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men and 13 young women, who are graduates of industrial schools, on this reserve. Since my last report, I am glad to say that there is a noticeable 
  2. 2
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men are doing fairly well; and if they would only exert themselves, and be more provident with their earnings, they would soon become well off. One of 
  3. 3
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young women are nearly all married, and their homes show the result of the teaching they had at school. The young men are fairly industrious, but are very 
  4. 4
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men of this colony are married to girl graduates of schools, and, in many cases, these young women make good house-wives, although there are a few who 
  5. 5
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young Indian is eager to follow their example. Fathers and mothers of the young children notice that education is necessary; but the Indian has his living 
  6. 6
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young people committed to their environ and guardianship. The evolution of young cities and commercial centres in close proximity to the reserve has become 
  7. 7
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young people do not receive the care they should, and hence many die young. Occupations. - As a rule the men spend most of their time in the employ of the 
  8. 8
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men, women and children than among those of mature years. This grows, I think, out of the bad habits of the young men and women, being out at night up 
  9. 9
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young Indians, but it was not long before it was discovered that 80 acres was not enough, and the plan of settling the beginners on the alternate lots was 
  10. 10
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young Indians is in the right direction, and that its efforts will surely bring forth good fruit in time. The percentage of the ex-pupils who have shown 
  11. 11
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young Abenakis act as guides to wealthy persons who come and spend these two seasons at the hunting and fishing clubs. These young Abenakis are very skilful 
  12. 12
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young man died of tuberculosis and 2 young children died at the Elkhorn industrial school of meningitis. There were 10 births. The cottage hospital which 
  13. 13
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young man is a good provider, and keeps his family comfortable, and keeps fairly well out of debt. His wife is an ex-pupil of the Birtle Boarding School 
  14. 14
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young men drink, but none of the women do that I know of. A few of the young men give some trouble with their drinking habits. A few of both sexes are 
  15. 15
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men get liquor and drink to excess. RED ROCK BAND. Reserve. - This reserve is situated on the Nipigon river, Lake Superior, and contains 486 acres 
  16. 16
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... young man started out without any assistance whatever from the department. He has made steady and substantial progress every year. He grew 6776, bushels of 
  17. 17
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men go right to work when they leave school and are successful, while others are total failures for a time. This condition is partly accounted for by 
  18. 18
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men work out as farm labourers and some of the young women, ex-pupils of the Birtle boarding school, as domestics in the homes of white farmers in the 
  19. 19
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young, and have a restraining effect upon the old. One young man on the reserve has the reputation of being strictly temperate and others use liquor in 
  20. 20
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men are not quite so industrious and are continually making plans which they never carry out. There are three who are good carpenters, but cannot be 
  21. 21
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young and old. Just so long as the Indian can be kept under certain restraint and associates little with the whites, Japanese and Chinese, there is hope for 
  22. 22
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men are working in various logging camps. The Powell River Paper & Pulp Company, which has been building a large plant at Powell River, has large 
  23. 23
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young men of the reserve, the other two were discharged on account of delicate health; the young man has since died of consumption. 'Several young men, ex 
  24. 24
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young Indians have a desire for education higher than simply the public school. The cost of High school or Normal school is almost prohibitive. Pupils and 
  25. 25
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... young days he was a great fighter. Pride of his race and solicitude for the welfare of his people were his chief characteristics. Your obedient servant, AT 
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