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  1. 1
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price of fur still attracts many to follow the chase. During the year ended ... prices were paid for some that are becoming exceptionally scarce. Last 
  2. 2
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... prices at the mines, which are only a few miles distant from the ... price. They raise good crops, principally hay and grain, which are in demand 
  3. 3
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices for furs fair. The farming on the reserve, I am pleased to say, is progressing rapidly; at present about one-third of the ... price of furs is very
  4. 4
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... , John Smith's, James Smith's and Cumberland reserves. Price, Jos.H. Farmer 480 00 Duck Lake, Sask. ... Marion, Louis Farmer 480 00 Duck Lake, Sask
  5. 5
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... , which they dispose of in Kamloops at a fair price. There are few infractions of the law among them, outside of cases arising out of the liquor traffic
  6. 6
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... Price Church of England Gwayasdums Gwayasdums Kwawkewlth EA Bird Church of England Hazelton Giatmaksh Babine Rev. John Field Church of England Kincolith 
  7. 7
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... price of fish. The white fishermen, in contradistinction to the Japanese fishermen, asked a higher rate per fish, which they were to catch, than the cannery 
  8. 8
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... Price, JH, farmer, 11 m. to May 31 440 00 34 62 Thomas, Sandy, interpreter, 10 m. to April 30 300 00 ... Edmonton Agency, ($3279.96; $133.90) 
  9. 9
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... Price, JH, board and lodging, $20.87; horse feed and stabling, $6.90; livery, $1; provisions, $5.85 34 62 ... 32791 47 Less - Amount charged to Trust Fund 
  10. 10
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price. They farm quite extensively, cultivating the land and raising stock, and they make a creditable showing. They work in winter in lumber camps, cutting 
  11. 11
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... price. Buildings, Stock and Farming Implements. - Their buildings are of log and frame construction and are kept in good repair. Their stock is of average 
  12. 12
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices. There was no case of disorderly conduct or misbehaviour. Agent Gibbons has great experience in dealing with Indians and has now an excellent staff 
  13. 13
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
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    Année :
    ... prices while fat dry cows are beefed for the school. The same regarding hogs - the choicest and most merchantable are sold, while the others and their 
  14. 14
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices obtained for this hay during the winter amounts to considerable. Last spring the Indians of Star Blanket's band sold some hundreds of dollars' worth 
  15. 15
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices, with which they are satisfied. It is greatly on account of the efficient help I receive from the staff here that I consider such good work has been 
  16. 16
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices by merchants of Woodstock. A few engage in farming; only however, to raise sufficient crops to supply their immediate want. A number of young men 
  17. 17
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices, and such Indians as had any to dispose of did well, while the less fortunate as a reward for their courage in going to work again last spring 
  18. 18
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices. Although not of any extended import, it may be worth while to notice that a market seems to have opened up in the east for ponies which many of the 
  19. 19
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices. Stock. - Remote as these Indians are from the settled portions of this province, and notwithstanding the scarcity of hay, they have a considerable 
  20. 20
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices paid for furs this year were not so high as last year. Some Indians leave their families on the reserve for the winter, and only those who do so 
  21. 21
    2 objet(s) numérique(s)
    Bibliothèque / Rapports annuels des Affaires indiennes, 1864 à 1990
    No d'identification :
    Année :
    ... prices. This reserve being centrally located in the lumbering section of this province, always offers good employment and fair wages to Indians. Health and 
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