Recherche dans la collection - Gordon Roberts Henderson fonds [textual record]
Hiérarchie Gordon Roberts Henderson fonds [textual record]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :1 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Électronique) The finding aid is a descriptive list of files and items. MSS1085 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Gordon Roberts Henderson fonds [textual record]
Date :1938-1982.Référence :R2291-0-X-E, MG30-B106Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :98126Date(s) :1938-1982.Lieu de création :OntarioÉtendue :50 cm of textual records.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of Henderson's diaries, autobiography and speeches as an engineer in the petrochemical industry in Montreal and Sarnia and as President of Catalytic Construction of Canada Ltd., a construction and maintenance company, 1958-1965. The material also covers his engineering education and safety work.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Henderson, Gordon Roberts, 1900-1984 : Gordon Roberts Henderson was born in London, Ont. on March 6, 1900. After completing elementary and secondary school in that city, he entered Queen's University at Kingston, and in 1925 graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering. For the next seven years, he worked for Ont. Hydro-Electric, Dominion Engineering Works, and Power Corporation of Canada.
In 1932, he started work on the construction of a Shell Oil Company refinery in Montreal and thus began his long influencial association with the Canadian petrochemical industry. In 1936, he was appointed chief engineer of the refinery he had helped to build. With the outbreak of W.W. II, he was sent to work on the construction of a much needed British oil refinery at Heysham, Lancashire, England. He served as chief engineer until the plant reached design capacity and then returned to Canada whereupon Shell Oil Company loaned him to Polymer Corporation, Sarnia, as petroleum engineer on the design and construction of the only synthetic rubber plant in the British Empire.
In 1943, he resigned from Shell and became chief engineer of Polymer Corporation, a position he held until 1951, when he becamed vice president and general manager of the newly formed Catalytic Construction of Canada Limited. From 1953 to 1958, he was manager of the Sun Oil Refinery in Sarnia. Following this, he became president of Catalytic Construction of Canada Ltd. After his retirement in 1965, he was active with the Construction Safety Association of Ontario, and Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Acquired in 1973-1982 from G.R. Henderson and in 1992 from Peter Henderson of Sarnia.Note sur l'emplacement des originaux :Gordon Roberts Henderson, Sarnia, Ont.Vedette-matière :Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG30-B106 -
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