Recherche dans la collection - Division of Physics [textual record]
Hiérarchie Division of Physics [textual record]
Niveau hiérarchique :SérieContexte de cette notice : -
Notice descriptive Division of Physics [textual record]
Date :1932-1974.Référence :R1207-83-7-E, RG77Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :5082206Date(s) :1932-1974.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :3.0 m of textual recordsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :This is a preliminary description, please consult the linked accession. Series consists of records created and/or maintained by the National Research Council's (NRC's) Division of Physics. Linked accession consists of files from the Division of Physics filing system. Included are reports (general, research project related, etc), estimates for the division (1949-1964, with some gaps) and quarterly progress reports (1954-1974, with some gaps).Biographie/Histoire administrative :National Research Council of Canada. Division of Physics : In 1928, the federal government decided to establish National Research Laboratories in Ottawa, for the work of the NRC - specifically a chemistry, physics, biology and engineering lab. By 1939, the Division of Physics and Electrical Engineering was created and by 1946, Electrical Engineering was joined with Radio, leaving a Division of Physics. In 1955, the Division was divided into Pure and Applied Physics, although they were reunited in 1969. By the re-organization of the 1990s, the work of the Division was divided into several different Institutes including, the Institute for National Measurement Standards, the Institute for Microstructural Sciences, etc.Information additionnelle :Versements complémentaires :Further accruals are expected.Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG77 -
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