Recherche dans la collection - PLANNING PROGRAMME AND NOTES ON PLANNING - Memorandum on planning and preparation of an overseas force, d/29 Jun 42 and 28 Feb 43, by War Office - Notes on movement planning for combined operations (long sea voyage), by the War Office, d/11 Feb 43 - Draft planning programme for combined ops trg, Mar 43 - Op "Husky" - Adm appreciation, d/6 May 43, by 1 Cdn Inf Div - Op "Husky" - Memo, d/13 May 43, re passage of a minefield on a beach and use of assault RE, by 1 Cdn Inf Div. - Memo, d/11 May 43, re P.R. and Historical arrangements for Op "Husky", by CMHQ - Memo, d/12 May 43, re Film and Photographic Secs method of operation in a theatre of War, by CMHQ - Adm Prep Instrs, d/16 May 43, 1 Cdn Inf Div - Op "Husky" - Cable, d/30 May 43, from Fortune, Algiers, re press representation - Op "Husky" - (2000/1/G)

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