Recherche dans la collection - REPORTS, LECTURES, W.D. EXTRACTS ETC - Lecture on the campaign in Normandy up to "Breakout" battle south of Caen 7/8 Aug 44 by Brig C.C. Mann and Lt-Col P.E.R. Wright d/25 Nov 44. - Account of Op "Tractable" 14/16 Aug 44 by 2 Cdn Armd Bde. - "Seven days fighting through the Reichswald" Op "Veritable" - by 34 Armd Bde, 8/17 Feb 45. - Article on the C.A.C. 1936/1945 by Maj-Gen F.F. Worthington for CATM Jul 44. - Ground report by areas (Wagemingen to Reichswald) (unsigned & undated). - Letter d/22 Mar 45 from Maj-Gen F.F. Worthington Comd Camp Borden, to Maj H.F.E. Smith, CMHQ with hist infm re C.A.C. - Op "Overlord" - 6/11 Jun 44