Recherche dans la collection - ADM PLANS - Outline Adm Plan, Maint 1st Cdn Army d/29 Aug 44 from R. Seine to R. Somme. - Appreciation of Adm problems involved in establishing No. 5 Cdn Army Rdhead d/29 Aug 44. - Study of Adm situation and Adm study for future maint 1st Cdn Army d/7 Sep 44. - Outline Adm Plan, Maint 1st Cdn Army d/1 Sep 44 Le Havre Peninsula & adv to vicinity Calais. - Outline Adm Plan, maint 1st Cdn Army d/13 Sep 44 up to conclusion of ops against Walcheren Gp of Islands. - Notes on future ops outlined by AA & QMG plans with request for certain data (Op "Infatuate") d/14 Sep 44. - Outline Adm Plan, maint 1st Cdn Army until 21 A. Gp. base is available at Brussels & Antwerp d/9 Sep 44. - Plan for maint 1 Brit Corps d/16 Oct 44 prior to opening of port of Antwerp 1st Cdn Army. (603/ADM PLANS/1)

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