Recherche dans la collection - Plan of the seigniories of Rigaud and New Longueuil with the adjoining seigniorys thereto and the township of Newton; but is more particularly intended to shew the western lines of the abovementioned seigniorys and township; which lines have been traced & run in the field in the months of Feby & March in the year 1806, at the request of the Honourables Jos. E. De Longueuil & A.C. De Lothbinière Esqrs. Menbers of H. My's Legislative Council of this Province, by Joseph Bouchette, S. Genl. Quebec, 19th July 1806. A true copy from the original in the possessions of Sav. DeBeaujeu. Esgrs. Charles Manuel, Land Surveyor, Montreal, 29th December 1819. Crown Land Department, Montreal, 18 April 1849. True copy of the original plan in the hands of the Honble Saveuse de Beaujeu exhibited to this office on this day. T. Bonthillier, A. CC.L. Jos. Bouchette, D. Surv. Deposited of record in the Archives of the office of the Provincial Secretary this 20th day of April 1849. Y. Seslie, Secy. [cartographic material]