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Notice descriptive [Tabula terrae nouae] [cartographic material]
Date :1541].Référence :R11981-538-7-E, Numéro de volume : 91No pièce (créateur) :Alexander E. MacDonald Canadiana Collection #91Indice de classe locale :H3/10000/[1541]Genre de documents :Cartes et documents cartographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :4153255Date(s) :1541].Lieu :[Vienna :Lieu de création :AllemagneEditeur :Gaspard Trechsel,Étendue :1 map : ill., hand col. ; 38 x 35 cm on sheet 41 x 51 cm.Langue du document :latinPortée et contenu :This is Lorenz Fries' slightly reduced, and more decorative, version of Waldseemüller's landmark map covering the Atlantic coastline of the Americas. It is one of the earliest maps available to collectors of American maps. Waldseemüller's map is often referred to as the Admiral Map because Waldseemüller's attributed his source of information on the New World to 'the Admiral' referring to Columbus. The geography follows that of the 1513 Waldseemuller and delineates the Atlantic from latitudes 35° south to 55° north, with a surprisingly accurate depiction of the American coastline. Fries added the Spanish flag flying over Cuba (named Isabella after the Queen of Spain) and a text block beneath Hispaniola describes the island and Christopher Columbus' discoveries in 1492. He also added graphic depictions of native cannibals and a fierce-looking opossum, both of which had been reported by Amerigo Vespucci. He retained the two famous lines of Latin text from the 1513 edition, which reads, "Hec terra cum adiacentib insulis inuenta est per Columbu ianuensem ex mandato Regis Castelle" (this land with its adjacent islands was discovered by Columbus, sent by authority of the King of Castile).Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Fries, Lorenz, ca. 1490-1531 : Physician, astrologer and geographer from Colmar, Alsace. Studied medicine at several European universities, and worked in Strasbourg ca. 1519-1527. Produced a number of scientific instruments and revived a method of projectiion recorded by an Andalusian astronomer. Reworked most of the maps of Martin Waldseemuller. Worked with Peter Apain on the preparation of Tipus orbis univesalis , 1520 (based on Waldseemuller's world map of 1507, published in J. Camers's Solini Enerrationes, Vienna 1520, also in Pomponius Mela's De situ orbis, Basle 1522) ; The major project that Fries and Gruninger worked on was a new edition of the Geographia of Claudius Ptolemy, which was published by Johann Koberger in 1522. Here again, Fries evidently edited the maps, in most cases simply producing a reduction of the equivalent map from the 1513 edition of the Geographie Opus Novissima, printed by Johann Schott. Fries also prepare three new maps for the Geographie: maps of South-East Asia and the East Indies, China and the World, but the geography of these derives from Waldseemuller's world map of 1507. (the maps were re-used in versions edited by W. Pirkheimer, published Strasbourg, J. Gruninger, Nuremberg, J. Koberger 1525, Lyons, M & G Trechsel 1535, Lyons, G. Trechsel 1541 etc.).Information additionnelle :Note générale :Woodcut.
Title taken from the text appearing on the verso of map.Page number 28 appears on verso.
Text on verso is an account of the discoveries of Columbus.It ends with a protest on the use of the name America for the New World. "Toto itaque, quod ajunt aberrant coelo qui hanc continentem Americam nuncupari contendunt, cum Americus multo post Columbu eande terram adierit, nec cum Hispanis ille, sed cum Portugallensibus, ut suas merces commutaret, eo se contulit".
From: Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geographicae enarrationis, libri octo / ex Bilibaldi Pirckeymheri tralatione, sed ad Graeca & prisca exemplaria à Michaële Villanouano secundò recogniti, & locis innumeris denuò castigati ; adiecta insuper ab eodem scholia, quibus & difficilis ille primus liber nunc primum explicatur, & exoleta, urbium nomina ad nostri seculi morem exponuntur ; quinquaginta illae quoque cum ueterum tum recentium tabulae adnectuntur, uarijq[ue], incolentium ritus & mores explicantur ; accedit index locupletissiumus hactenus non uisus.Prostant Lugduni : Apud Hugonem à Porta, 1541.Historique de la conservation :Part of the Alexander E. MacDonald Canadiana Collection purchased by the Public Archives of Canada in 1981.Note de citation/référence :Burden, Entry 4 , edition 1541, Phillips, Entry 366, plate no [28], Sabin, Entry 66485.Note sur la langue :Text on verso in LatinDonnées mathématiques sur les documents :Scale indeterminate. (N55°--S 35°)Note sur les autres formats physiques disponibles :The microfiche version is NMC10027 (Text)Note sur les expositions :"Up North: The Discovery and Mapping of the Canadian Arctic, 1511-1944", An Exhibtion held at The Royal Ontario Museum April 1958.Date d'émission :Date of issue based on the title used at the back of the map. The 1541 edition used Tabula terrae nouae and was edited by Michael Servetus and printed by Gaspard Trechsel.Groupes de documents reliés :For other version and or editions see: Mikan 4141746 (NMC27696)Note(s) sur le contenant :91 : Container label was "10000 WORLD [1541]".Vedette-matière :Source :PrivéAutre no d'acquisition :80101/245 CA -
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Original can be viewed in the presence of an early cartographic archivist. Microfiche version is open.Microfiche NMC10027[ConsultationOuvert]Volume [R11981] 91[ConsultationOuvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Copyright expired.
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