The file includes photographs of the following Deceased Members:
Macallum, Archibald Bruce
MacDonald, David Keith Chalmers
MacDonald, Hon. Vincent Christopher (Section II)
MacFarlane, William Douglas (Section III)
McCalla, Arthur Gilbert (Section V)
McGibbon, Duncan (Section II)
McIlwraith, Thomas Forsyth (Section II)
McKay, Bertram Reid (Academy III)
MacKay, Robert Alexander (Section II)
McKellar, Andrew (Section III)
Mackenzie, Chalmers Jack
Mackenzie, Graham Stewart (Section IV)
Macintosh, William Archibald (Section II)
McLearn, Frank Harris (Section IV)
MacLuhan, Herbert Marshall (Section II)
MacNutt, William Stewart (Section II)
Marion, Léo Edmond (Section III)
Marion, Séraphin (Academy I)
Marrian, Guy Frederic (Academy III)
Martin Chester (Section II)
Marshall, Herbert (Section II)
Ménard, Jean (Section I)
Michel, Humfrey (Section II)
Miller, R. Birnie (Section V)
Mitchell, Charles A. (Academy III)
Moore, Elwood S. (Section IV)
Morgan, Joseph Francis (Academy II)
Morin, Joseph Edouard (Section V)
Morton, William Lewis (Section II)
Moser, Leo (Section III)
Murray, Everitt George Dunne (Section V)
Naylor, James M. (Section V)
Neish, Arthur Charles (Section V)
Nelson, Charles Donald (Section III)
Norman, George William Hallel (Section III)
Oleson, Tryggvi Julius (Section II)
Ollivier, Paul Maurice (Section I)
O'Neill, John Johnston
Orr, John H.
Pacey, William Cyril Desmond (Section II)
Pagé, Edouard (Section V)
Panisset, Maurice (Section V)
Parent, Mgr Alphonse-Marie (Section I)
Parker, Raymond Crandall (Section III)
Parkin, John Hamilton (Section III)
Patterson, John (Section III)
Pearson, Lester B.
Pegis, Anton Charles (Section II)
Penfield, Wilder Graves (Section V)
Petrie, Robert Methven (Section III)
Phelan, Mgr Gerald Bernard (Section II)
Poitevin, Théophile-Eugène (Academy III)
Porsild, Alf Erling (Section V)
Porter, John (Section II)
Pratt, Edwin John (Academy II)
Pugsley, Leonard Irving (Section III)
Purves, Clifford Burrough (Section III)