Recherche dans la collection - Maps and plans of Canada pertaining to military establishments of the Department of National Defence [cartographic material, architectural drawing]
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Notice descriptive Maps and plans of Canada pertaining to military establishments of the Department of National Defence [cartographic material, architectural drawing]
Date :1934-1963.Référence :R5626-0-5-E, MG32-B19Genre de documents :Cartes et documents cartographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :3932278Date(s) :1934-1963.Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :61 maps.
2 architectural drawings.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Maps include site plans of Camp Gagetown, RCSME Chilliwack, Valleyfield Military Camp, Curries Barracks & Sarcee and R.C.C.S. Station Boundary Bay. There are also topographical maps and city plans of various locations across Canada. Also included in the accession are two architectural plans. Most maps and plans are annotatedProvenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Information additionnelle :Historique de la conservation :Transferred in June 1983 from the Manuscript Division, MG32-B19.Données mathématiques sur les documents :Scales differ.Note structurée de contenu :Bases in Newfoundland
36. Province of Newfoundland Scale 1:633 600. 1949. Department of Mines and Resources. Mines Forests and Scientific Services btranch. Surveys and Mapping Bureau
46. Plan BA250. Plan of South Side Harbour Frontage & Admiralty Property. St. John's Nfld Scale [1:4 800]. 1949. Imperial Oil Limited. Eng. Const. and Maint. Dept.
Bases in Nova Scotia
21. Proposed new blood donor clinic, Halifax, Nova Scotia - Property plan. Basement floor. First floor. South elevation. West elevation. North elevation. 1959. Dowie, Baker and Ahern, architects engineers, Halifax, N.S.
27. Site plan Victoria Park, Sydney, N.S. Scale [1:600]. n.d.
28. [Title cut off: area at sea out of Chezzetcook inlet].
47. Plan HO-2-86. Survey of Albro Lake W.T. Stations, Halifax County. Scale [1:2 400]. 1950. H.M.C. Dockyards, Halifax, N.S.
Bases in Prince Edward Island
31. Map of the Town of Summerside . n.d. Town of Summerside.
32. Summerside 26a. Plan showing boundary of town owned property. Summerside P.E.I. Scale [1:4 800]. 1961 Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
33. Proposed anti corrosion hangar, Summerside . n.d. Department of National Defence. R.C.A.F. H.Q.
34. Hillcrest Park. Scale [1:2 400]. n.d. G. Keith Pickard, Architect, Charlottetown.
Bases in New Brunswick
1. [Map showing camp Gagetown, Nouveau-Brnswick] Scale 1:126 720. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
2. Plan 720-0-3-2. Site plan. Camp Gagetown, New Brunswick Scale 1:4 800. 1953. Department of National Defence. Directorate of Works.
3. Plan G-I-3. Miniature site plan. Camp Gagetown. Scale 1:12 000. 1955. Department of National Defence Army
4. Plan G2/2 (07). Army training area Gagetown, N.B. Lot plan location "0" Scale 1:15 840. 1953. prepared by G. Angers (sapper) Department of National Defence
Bases in Québec
6. Sketch no 242. Site plan. Proposed extension St. Jean Baptiste St. Valleyfield Military Camp, Valleyfield P.Q. Scale [1:1 200]. 1959. Department of national Defence Army. Engineer Services. Quebec Command.
16. Plan 3121-T184. Relevé du pont de la Grande Rivière Cascapédia entre Maria et New Richmond. Comté Bonaventure. 1940. Ministère des travaux publics. Service de l'entretien des ponts.
17. Plan A-59 Cite de Lachine Plan et & profil, partie de la rue Provost entre la 38è avenue et la 25è avenue. Section transversale. Coupe A-A Scale [1:4 800]. 1958. Deslauriers, A, ingénieur de la Cité
20. Plan S-M205-1 Jacques Cartier Bks. Mont. South P. Qué - Site. Scale [1:1 200]. 1958. Department of national Defence Army. D. Quartering.
22. Plan 237-0-1-4. Parish of St. Sauveur. City of Québec. Subdivision of parts of lots nos 2476, 2477 and 2478 of the official cadastre. 1957. D.I. O'Gallagher Q.L.S.
24. Property plan. Contour & utilities. P.M.Q. area Ste. Foy P.Q. Scale [1:1 200]. 1956. Department of National Defence. Directorate of Works.
26. [Title cut off: Area around l'Annonciation, Québec] Scale [1:50 000].
29. Plan P3965-1. Plan montrant une parttie des lots nos 118 et 119, paroisse de St-Jérôme. Scale [1:600]. 1961. Leopold Moretti, arpenteur-géomètre
42. Plan D-3. City of Dorval. Proposed industrial Park. Preliminary study of zoning farms 72 to 93. Scale [1:6 000]. 1957. Barott, Marshall, Merrett & Barott, Architects, Montreal
43. Plan M-2395 Property required for Montreal (international) airport being all of lots 82-1, 82-2, 82-3, 82-4, 82-6 and parts of lot 82, Parish of Pointe Claire, Registration Division of Montreal, Province of Québec. Scale [1:2 400]. 1962. Department of Transport Real Estate
48. Plan showing parts of lots, 59, 60, 61, 62. Lots 61-1 to 61-36 and 62-1 to 62-117 Parish of St. John's also lot 1-1 and part of lot 1, town of St. John's. Scale [1:600]. 1954. Charles Godin. Quebec Land Surveyor.
49. Plan M-1667. Property required by the Department of National Defence for Artillery Proof Range at Lake St. Peter being part of Lot 1. parish of St. Antoine de la Baie du Febvre Registration Division of Yamaska. Province of Québec. Scale [1:12 000]. 1958. Department of Transport Real Estate.
60. Plan 1. Proposed extension of harbour limits. 1959. Montreal Harbour Planning Committee.
Bases in Ontario
25. Map 24b. The Districts of Algoma, Sudbury, Timiskaming and parts o the Distericts of Nipissing and Cochrane. Scale 1:506 880. 1951. Province of Ontario. Department of Lands and Forests. Surveys and Engineering Division.
30. Plan A11-1-D29 R.C.A.F. Station Aylmer. Revised site plan. Leased farm lands. Scale [1:2 400]. 1957. Department of National Defence.
44. [NTS sheet 30 M12]. Brampton Scale 1:50 000. 1951. Canada, Department of National Defence, Army Survey Establishment.
Bases in Manitoba
55. Plan G6-1-1011-1. Gimli Man. Station photographic plan. n.d. Department of National Defence, Ottawa Ontario. Royal Canadian Air Force H.Q.
Bases in Alberta
7. [NTS sheet 72 N.W. Area location plan Suffield experimental station - Alberta] Scale [1:506 880]. n.d. Canada, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Surveys and mapping Branch.
8. [NTS sheet 72 L. Area location plan Suffield experimental station - Alberta] Scale 1:250 000. 1958. Canada, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Surveys and Mapping Branch.
14. Plan R-AL-52-1. Cold Lake, Alta. Scale [1:4 800]. 1957. Canada, Department of Transport. Air Services. Construction Branch.
35. Plan C41-1-1000-1. Claresholm, Alta. General Development Scale [1:2 400]. 1951. Department of National Defence. Ottawa, Ontario, Royal Canadian Air Force H.Q.
37. Plan 4357-0-1-99. Site plan. Currie Bks & Sarcee Scale [1:4 800]. 1955. Department of National Defence. Directorate of Works.
38. Plan 6055. Property acquired for airport. Currie Barracks, Alt. Scale [1:4 800]. 1958. Department of Transport. Real Estate Branch.
39. Plan 6055. Property acquired for airport. Currie Barracks, Alt. Scale [1:4 800]. 1958. Department of Transport. Real Estate Branch.
54. Plan P9-1-1016-1. Penhold, Alta. Station photographic plan. n.d. Department of National Defence, Ottawa Ontario. Royal Canadian Air Force H.Q.
57. Plan CM-3-9A. Claresholm - Drainage ditch from station to Willow Creek Scale [1:4 800]. 1956. Department of National Defence. Material Command. Lincoln Park Alta.
63. Harkness property Dewinton Alberta Gravel Survey Scale [1:600]. 1960. Standard Gravel & Surfacing of Canada Limited.
Bases in British Columbia
5. Plan C180/2. Site plan. RCSME Chilliwack, B.C. Scale 1:2 400. 1958. Department of National Defence. Directorate of Works.
9. [NTS sheet 92 G/7.] Coquitlam Scale 1:50 000. 1949. Canada, Department of National Defence, Army Survey Establishment.
10. [NTS sheet 92 G6 east 92 G7 west.] Coquitlam Scale 1:50 000. 1949. Canada, Department of Nationjal Defence, Army Survey Establishment.
11. British Columbia, Canada, Public Carrier Map 1950. Department of trade and Industry. British Columbia Government Travel Bureau.
12. map 1 British Columbia and portions of Yukon, Alaska, Alberta and N.W. Territories 1945. Committee on Resources and Railways.
15. Plan V/104. Fraser River crossing Trans Canada Highway - Sketch of proposed structure 1957. [signed] W. Stuart Connolly. Govt. of British Columbia Dept. of Highways.
18. Nanaimo Exhibition Park. Scale [1:2 400]. 1956. Corporation of the City of nanaimo, B.C. City Engineer's Office
19. Plan 485-S-2. Site plan. Kamloops magazines area. Scale [1:6 000]. 1944. Department of National Defence. Office of C.E.O. Pac. Com'd, Vancouver, B.C.
23. Map of the Municipality of Richmond Scale 1:28 200. n.d.
40. R.C.C.S. Station Boundary Bay, B.C. Scale [1:2 400]. 1950. Department of National Defence. Office of Engineer Works Officer.
45. Plan P-6. Comox, British Columbia. Scale [1:4 800]. n.d. Department of National Defence. Naval Service. Works & Buildings Branch.
61. Proposed relocation of 45' steel siren pole. Scale [1:4 800]. 1961. Department of National Defence (Army). Office of area engineer B.C. Area. Vancouver, B.C.
64. Widgeon Keys Project, Boundary Bay, B.C. Scale [1:16 800]. 1959. S. Angell & Karl Metzger.
Bases in Yukon
13. Plan F65/1-295-S-20. Site plan. Muskwa 6 S N mile 295 Scale [1:600]. 1954. Department of National Defence. Northwest highway system. Whitehorse Yukon.
Bases in the Northwest Territories
56. Melville North. Aeronautical edition Scale 1:500 000. 1960. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Surveys and Mapping Branch.
Canada in general or unidentified locationsà
41. Sheet 1 of 1. Twilight lodge limited - Plot plan Scale [1:600]. 1961.
50. Distant Early Warning identification zone
51. Canada Scale 1:15 840 000. 1957. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Surveys and Mapping Branch.
52. Communications serving Dew line and extensions. 1961.
53. [Untitled: schematic DEW line]. [1961]
58. Canada - Commands & areas. Canadian army April 1951. 1951.
59. Canada Scale 1:8 870 400. 1955. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Surveys abnd Mapping Branch.
62. [Untitled: barracks close to an unidentified military airport]. n.d.Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG32-B19Autre no d'acquisition :83402/1846 CA -
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