Recherche dans la collection - Engineering plans pertaining to the Shawinigan Water & Power Company, Grand'mere station, and the Laurentide Power house in Quebec, collected by Arthur Napier Budden [technical drawing, cartographic material]
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Instrument de recherche Cartographic material (Papier) Finding aid is available in the main reference room. Finding aid conisists of a detailed item listing. 890639. (90: Ouvert)Architectural, technical drawings (Papier) Finding aid is available in the main reference room. Finding aid conisists of a detailed item listing. 890639. (Limites non établies) -
Notice descriptive Engineering plans pertaining to the Shawinigan Water & Power Company, Grand'mere station, and the Laurentide Power house in Quebec, collected by Arthur Napier Budden [technical drawing, cartographic material]
Date :1928-1933.Référence :R6389-3-4-E, MG31-J34Ancien no du BAN :117-040638-5Genre de documents :Dessins d'architecture et techniquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :3845321Date(s) :1928-1933.Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :3 maps photocopies 62 x 67 cm or smaller.
30 technical drawings chiefly blueprints 93 x 148 cm or smaller.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Series consists of plans showing equipment locations, wiring and power distribution networks.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Information additionnelle :Note générale :Laurentide Power Company later became Shawinigan Water and Power Company.Historique de la conservation :Transferred on 22 January 1990 from the Manuscript Division, MG31-J34.Données mathématiques sur les documents :Scales differ., Scales differ.Note structurée de contenu :1-4, Various parts and components probably in use at the Laurentide Power House, Grand'Mère, P.Q.
1. Cross section assembly hydraulic jack 8" stroke. 15 ton capacity. Type A-12-17-15 1929 E. and T. Fairbanks and Co. Ltd. Sherbrooke, Que
2. Drawing 253727 Generator A.C. Frame no. 454. Vet. W.W. n.d. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. East Pittsburgh, PA. U.S.A.
3. Drawing 11598 R.D. Diagram of 60 System 1925 (1930) Shawinigan Water & Power Co. Montreal
4. Diagram of 60 System 1925 (1931) Shawinigan Water & Power Co. Montreal
5-7, Maps re. water power in Québec
5. [Map of the Champlain, St. Maurice region of Quebec showing water power sites] n.d.
6. [Map of the Champlain, St. Maurice region of Quebec showing water power sites] n.d.
7. [Map of the province of Quebec showing the area from Montreal to Pointe a Pic showing transmission lines, generating stations and proposed power plants.] 1930. The Shawinigan Water & Power Company
8-29, Parts and components in use at the Laurentide Power House, Grand'Mère, P.Q., Shawinigan Water & Power Co.
8. Lombard Governor. Sectional view. Rearranged to show essential operating parts 1916. Laurentide
9. Plan of floor "C" showing location of equipment. 1928.
10. Plan of floor "D" showing location of equipment. 1928.
11. Assembly. First made for ATB-W-68-77500-88.25-13000 V. 1930. Traced by M. Rogers. General Electric Co. Shenectady Works
12. Sketch section and diagram of layout - Morris-Pelton water Wheel Governor No. 9 Unit. 1933.
13. Drawing 277 Diagram showing inter-connection of Power Co. Auxiliary Circuits and Paper Co. Circuits .1928.
14. Connection diagram. 1930.
15. Connections for Dec'r 22. 1929.
16. Connections for Dec'r 22. 1929.
17. Connections for Nov'r 10. 1929.
18. Connections for Nov'r. 1929.
19. Connections for Sept.29. 1929.
20. Drawing 979. Proposed primary layout of GrandMere House. 1929.
21. Drawing 303. Test table 1931.
22. Plan of pump room showing location of equipment and diagram of connections to L. Co. Mill supply water system 1928.
23. Drawing 272. Wiring diagram showing current & pot transformers. 1929.
24. Drawing 296. Wiring diagram. 1931.
25. Drawing 312. Diagram of connections 1932.
26. Drawing SK-328. Storage Battery. Connections to emergency load, auxiliary D.C. bus and booster 1933.
27. Drawing SK-329. Arrangement of oil pumps & filters 1933.
28. Drawing SK-331. Arrangement of oil pumps & filters 1933.
29. Drawing SK-332. Arrangement of governor & circulating water piping etc.. 1933.
30-31. Contract P532 file 9+13D. Laurentide Power House.1929 alterations. Power Engineering Company
30. Drawing RD51058. Low tension relay protection.
31. Drawing RD51086. Metering & control wiring diagram
32. Drawing E51197. High tension relay protection
33. Drawing C51531. Lines 29, 30, 14 & 31 protection
34. Drawing D51820. Wiring & drilling plans for Gen. No. 9 protection.Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG31-J34Autre no d'acquisition :890639 CA -
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