Recherche dans la collection - Minister's personal files [textual record]
Hiérarchie Minister's personal files [textual record]
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Notice descriptive Minister's personal files [textual record]
Date :1965, 1968, 1975-1980.Référence :R12298-7917-1-EGenre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :3838691Date(s) :1965, 1968, 1975-1980.Lieu de création :OntarioÉtendue :1.4 m of textual records.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Sub-series consists of bloc of records, so identified in Whelan's office, seems to be material on issues which the Minister addressed personally, or in which he had some special interest. It consists of correspondence, memos, notes, briefings, proposals, communiques, informational material, some print and near-print, as well as occasional Cabinet or privileged document - the whole gamut.
The correspondents range from ordinary Joe, through MP's and Cabinet Ministers, through to the PM himself; ministerial and PM correspondence in this bloc is quite significant. There is also correspondence with senior officials in Whelan's department, some correspondence with universities and research undertakings, as well as with representatives of other jurisdictions, especially provincial. Some of the material addresses issues in the House of Commons and House debates on major policy issues; there is a substantial number of files dealing with F.C.C. matters and marketing of agricultural produce.
The records also demonstrate the Minister at work, as member of Cabinet, expressing his views on policy development on issues outside his responsibility area proper, beyond agricultural issues alone. Again, there are significant documents here at a high level - occasional Cabinet document, proposals to Cabinet, commentary on Cabinet matters, reflecting policy-making at a high level. There are occasional ms notes by Whelan, as well as glossing on documents.Source :Privé -
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