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Notice descriptive Industrial Research Assistance Program [textual record]
Date :[1961-1970]Référence :R1207-36-9-E, RG77Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :196570Date(s) :[1961-1970]Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :ca. 2.4 m of textual recordsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :This is a preliminary description, please consult the linked accessions. Series consists of individual company files containing applications for NRC research and development support.Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Industrial Research Assistance Program (Canada) : With the end of the Second World War, Canadian politicians and business leaders realised the need to restructure the Canadian economy, and the Department of Reconstruction and Supply was mandated to ease the transition from war to peace. As part of its efforts, the department created the Technical Information Service (TIS), which provided manufacturers with an organization where they could request information regarding recent technological or scientific developments. Two years later, TIS was transferred to the NRC.
Within the NRC, TIS continued to carry out its functions, although it was a minor division and one with little clout. In spite of TIS' innocuous role, in 1961, the NRC attempted to foster a new industrial development program to strengthen the links between government, universities and industry. The Industrial Research Fund, as the program was initially known, was established on 1 April 1962 by an Order-in-Council. Within months, however, the program was redesignated as the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP).
IRAP assumed many of the functions delivered by the TIS, but was primarily tasked with supporting Canadian firms in developing large cost-sharing research and development projects. The aim of the program was to make Canadian business more competitive against the multinational corporations. In the larger federal context, IRAP was to be complemented by the Defence Industrial Research Program of the Defence Research Board and Industry, Trade and Commerce's Program for the Advancement of Industrial Technology.
From 1962, as successive governments decreed the importance of aiding Canadian businesses, several sub-programs were added to IRAP. By 1999, IRAP became a program designed to connect small and medium-sized businesses with the information, resources and financial support required to develop commercially viable products and services.Information additionnelle :Source du titre :Title is based on the contents of the series.Versements complémentaires :Further accruals are expected.Groupes de documents reliés :Minutes of the meetings of Committee for Industrial Research Assistance (CIRA), for the years 1962 - 1984, are among the Collection of bound reference materials from NRC committees (Arc. Ref. No. R1207-56-4-E; more specifically, in RG77 Accession no. 2015-00228-6, boxes 29-30).
Records from the Advisory Board for IRAP, from the years 1992 - 2003, are among the records of the Vice-President Technology and Industry Support filed corporately (Arc. Ref. No. 1207-71-0-E; more specifically, in Accession no. 2015-01538-8, boxes 297-298 and 374-375). Records from IRAP management committee for the years 1995 -2002, the IRAP Evaluation Advisory Committee dating from 2001-2002, and field advisory service and ITA meetings from the period 1971-1998, are similarly filed (Accession no. 2015-01538-8, boxes 301-302 and 379, 376, and 386, respectively).
This related materials note is not exhaustive. Additional related records may also be found in among NRC's Executive officer's records (R1207-22-9-E) as well as among other records filed to the NRC's Central records system (R1207-18-7-E), for example.Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG77 -
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