1. Ayalon Park. Development Plan. 1972 Scale 1:5 000
2. Ben-Shamen Forest. Picnic and Physical Training Grounds. A. Conceptual Plan. Planning Division. Forest Department. J.N.F. 1972 No scale drawn by Lily Shumsky
3. Bernard M. Bloomfield Silvicultural Institute. - [Site Plan, Elevation, Floor Plan] 1972 No scale
4. Canada Park. A Project of Jewish National Fund of Canada. [1972] No scale
5. The Shrine of Canada Park. [Exterior Perspective Drawing] n.d. No scale
6. The Shrine of Canada Park. [Interior Perspective Drawing] n.d. No scale
7. Canadian Centennial Forest. [Site Plan]. [1965] Scale 1:2 500
8. Canadian Centennial Forest. Proposed Structure. [1965] No scale
9. Canadian Centennial Forest. Proposed Structure. [1965] No scale
10. Quebec Canadian Centennial Forest 1867-1967 [Insignia] [1967]
11. Hazore'a Forest. Picnic and Physical Training Grounds and Area for Field Sports and Scouting. [1977] Scale 1:2 500
12. Safad National Park. [Site Plan]. n.d. Scale 1:2 500
13. Kibbutz Ayalot Swimming Pool. [Site Plan] 1976 Scale [1:500] [M. Galpaz Architects Ltd.]
14. Kibbutz Ayalot Swimming Pool. [Plan and Sections] 1976 Scale [1:100] [M. Galpaz Architects Ltd., Consultants & Designers Sport Grounds & Recreation Centres]
15. Kibbutz Ayalot Swimming Pool. [Site Plan] 1976 Scale [1:250] M. Galpaz Architects Ltd., Consultants & Designers Sport Grounds and Recreation Centres
16. Israel. North. 1961 Scale 1:250 000 Compiled & Drawn by the Survey of Israel.
17. Israel. North. 1961 Scale 1:250 000 Compiled & Drawn by the Survey of Israel.
18. Israel. Ancien et moderne. 1967, 1975 Scales differ Carta Jerusalem.
19. Israel. Cease Fire Lines, June 1967. 1967, 1972 No scale Carta Jerusalem.
20. Israel Past and Present. [1973] No scale Compiled, designed & drawn by CARTA, Jerusalem.
21. Carta's Holyland Touring Map Incl. Sinai. La Terre Sainte Das Heilige Land. 1973 No scale Carta Jerusalem.
22. Israel. Map of the Cease-Fire Lines. 1973 Scale 1:750 000 Compiled & Drawn by the Survey of Israel.
23. Map of Israel. Presented by Keren Kayemeth Leisrael [Jewish National Fund]. Jerusalem. 1975 Scale 1:500 000 Produced and Published by the Survey of Israel.
24. Touring Map of Israel through 400 Years of History. 1976 No scale
25. Israel-Touring Map. Northern Sheet. 1976 Scale 1:250 000 Produced and Published by the Survey of Israel.
26. Israel-Touring Map. Southern Sheet. 1976 Scale 1:250 000 Produced and Published by the Survey of Israel.
27. [Map of new settlements in the mountainous region of Galilee]. 1980 No scale Department of Mapping & Surveying.
28. [Gan Bonei Jerusalem] [Builder of Jerusalem Garden] [Proposed Setting for Sign] [Elevation, Section, Plan] 1977 Scale [1:20] [L. Yahalom & D. Zur, Landscape Architects, Tel Aviv]