Series consists of photographs and projects of the Jewish National Fund of Canada, principally during the tenure of President Bernard M. Bloomfield (1970-1975), B'nai Br'rith; Canada Park Pavilion, Canada Park Medal, Canada Park-Tefen Project, Entebbe Mission and other visits to Israel, 75th JNF Anniversary, annual conferences, Rebuilders of Jerusalem; Bernard Bloomfield, Lt. Col. Reuven Doron, Joyce Rosen, Harris D. Gulko, Alex Mogelonsky, Lt. Col. Aharon Dagan, Nathan O. Hurwich, Nathan Scott, James F. Kay, Murray H. Tapper, Philip Granovsky, Yoine Goldstein, Lt. Col. Meir Rottem, Neri Bloomfield, Bella Singer, Ambassador Arthur Lourie, Senator David A. Croll, Jacob Gottlieb, Louis L. Lockshin, John Diefenbaker, Nahum Ravel, Yaacov Tsur, Jack Gwartz, Maureen McTeer, Ephraim Katzir, Yitzhak Rabin, Ephraim Scharf, Carl Zalev, and Moshe Rivlin.
The series also contains photographs documenting fundraising activities of the Jewish National Fund of Canada; projects in Israel financed by the Jewish National Fund of Canada; portraits of officials of the Jewish National Fund of Canada. Also included are photos of Bernard Bloomfield and Eric Exton, Canadian delegates to Jewish National Fund meeting, Basle Switzerland, 1971.