Recherche dans la collection - Navigable Waters Protection Division [textual record, cartographic material, technical drawing]
Hiérarchie Navigable Waters Protection Division [textual record, cartographic material, technical drawing]
Niveau hiérarchique :Sous-sérieContexte de cette notice :Sous-série comprend :40 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Cartographic material, technical drawings (Papier) Finding aid consists of a listing describing these records by Order in Council number and date, Transport file number, and subject. RG12M 956009 Finding aid available in main reference room. (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Navigable Waters Protection Division [textual record, cartographic material, technical drawing]
Date :[1849-1989]Référence :R184-155-0-E, RG12-A-1, RG12M 956009Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Dessins d'architecture et techniques, Cartes et documents cartographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :179905Date(s) :[1849-1989]Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :m of textual records
72 maps on 46 sheets : some mss., some col. ; 82 x 776 cm or smaller.
146 technical drawings on 36 sheets : some mss., some col. ; 82 x 157 cm or smaller.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :This is a preliminary record, please consult the linked accessions. Sub-series consists of registry files pertaining to applications to build various structures on or near navigable lakes and rivers, applications for dumping privileges, and plans for construction.
Sub-series also contains maps and technical drawings relating to the administration of the Navigable Waters Protection Act, representing a full range of projects throughout Canada. These plans were removed during the microfilming (by Transport) from: file #8200-4559 (old no. 8212-102), #8200-10756, #8200-10819, #8200-10884, #8200-11053, #8200-11054, #8200-11229, #8200-11251, #8200-11438, #8200-11590, #8200-11605, #8200-11834, #8200-11835, #8200-11875, #8200-12017, #8200-12020, #8200-12096, #8200-12748, #8200-12750, #8200-13145, #8200-13690, #8200-13714, #8200-13715, #8200-12730, #8200-12731, #8200-12732, #8200-14046, #8200-14047, #8200-14050, #8200-14051, #8200-14052, #8200-14485, #8200-14875, #8200-15076, #8200-15854, #8200-15864, #8200-15871, #8200-16599, #8200-16600, #8200-16788.Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Canadian Coast Guard. Navigable Waters Protection Division : In 1966 the Department of Transport inherited from the Harbours and Rivers Branch of the Department of Public Works the responsibilities and duties established in 1882 under Part I of the Navigable Waters Protection Act. Until 1977, the administration of the Act (Part I) was carried out by a Section of the Aids and Waterways Branch of Transport Canada. In April 1977 this Section, now the Navigable Waters Protection Programme, acquired divisional status. The Navigable Waters Protection Division is situated in the Aid and Waterways Branch of the Canadian Coast Guard. The responsibilities of the division include the regulation of construction upon, over, under or through Canadian navigable waters; the control of dumping into lakes and rivers, and the receipt of proposals to construct on Canada's navigable waters.Information additionnelle :Note générale :RG12M 956009: Items #36, 42, 51, 70, 71, 76-78 are rolled.Source du titre :Title is based on the contents of the sub-series.Note sur la description matérielle :RG12M 956009: Some items have stamped: Order in Council, Privy Council, Canada.
Cartographic material: Item #42 is on two sheets.Note sur l'état de conservation :RG12M 956009: Technical drawings, cartographic material: Some of the sheets have tape to mend tears in folds.
Technical drawings: Item #23 needs repair.Historique de la conservation :Maps and technical drawings (RG12M 956009) were transferred in July 1994 from Government Archives Division, RG12 accession 1982-83/149.Données mathématiques sur les documents :RG12M 956009: Cartographic material: Scales differ.
Technical drawings: Scales differ.Versements complémentaires :Further accruals are expected.Groupes de documents reliés :Related records may also be found in the Central Registry series in this fonds.Source :GouvernementAncien no de référence archivistique :RG12-A-1
RG12M 956009 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels[ConsultationRestreint selon la loi]Dessins techniques architecturaux[ConsultationOuvert]Documents cartographiques[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [RG12M 956009] 2000593074--2000593084[ConsultationOuvert]2000593074 No de pièce attribué par BAC 22--30; 32--34; 37; 43--50[ConsultationOuvert]2000593075 No de pièce attribué par BAC 53--58; 65; 69; 73--75[ConsultationOuvert]2000593076 No de pièce attribué par BAC 78[ConsultationOuvert]2000593077 No de pièce attribué par BAC 71[ConsultationOuvert]2000593078 No de pièce attribué par BAC 76--77[ConsultationOuvert]2000593079 No de pièce attribué par BAC 70[ConsultationOuvert]2000593080 No de pièce attribué par BAC 42[ConsultationOuvert]2000593081 No de pièce attribué par BAC 51[ConsultationOuvert]2000593082 No de pièce attribué par BAC 36[ConsultationOuvert]2000593083 No de pièce attribué par BAC 1--21[ConsultationOuvert]2000593084 No de pièce attribué par BAC 31; 35; 38--41; 52; 59--62[ConsultationOuvert]2000593086 No de pièce attribué par BAC 63--64; 66--68; 72; 79--81[ConsultationOuvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Copyright belongs to the Crown.
Cartographic material, technical drawings: Copyright belongs to the Crown. Credit Library and Archives Canada.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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