Nass Agency [textual record]
Notice descriptive – Brève 1Nass Agency [textual record]
Niveau hiérarchique :SérieDate :1904-1941Référence :R216-505-8-E, RG10-C-VIGenre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :159052Lien vers cette notice
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Notice descriptive – Détails Série comprend :18 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieurDate(s) :1904-1941Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :0.7 m of textual recordsLangue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Series consists, for the most part, of records created and/or maintained by the Nass Agency. A small number of files include records dating from the period after the amalgamation of the Nass Agency into the Skeena River Agency. The series includes miscellaneous correspondence and reports relating to agency matters. Volume 1662 contains letters received by the agent as well as copies of agent's reports, 1904-1920. Material in volumes 10874, 10877 and 10878 relates to matters such as land leases, commonage, surveys, roads, right of way, mineral rights, timber, fishing stations and law and order, 1910-1941. All records were originally filed using the Shannon file records keeping system common during the time period throughout Department of Indian Affairs field ofices.Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Canada. Dept. of Indian Affairs. Nass Agency : The Nass Agency, British Columbia, was created from the division of the North West Coast Agency into the Nass, Queen Charlotte, and Bella Coola Agencies in December, 1909. The headquarters of the Nass Agency was initially located in Metlakatla but was moved to Prince Rupert c. November 1916. The agents during this early period were: J.A. McIntosh (1909- ); Charles Perry (1910- ); and W.E. Collison (1920-1922). The Nass Agency was divided into the Nass and Skeena River Agencies in 1920. The two agencies were re-united in 1922 under the name Skeena River Agency. The Skeena River Agency headquarters remained at Prince Rupert, and Agent Collinson, formerly the agent for the Nass Agency, became the agent for the new Skeena River Agency. It has not been possible to determine which bands were transferred to the Skeena River Agency in 1919, and which bands were moved in 1922. In 1959, some bands from the Agency were moved to the newly-created Terrace Agency and in 1967, the Skeena River Agency became the North Coast District. Finding aid 10-202: Guide to Indian Bands and Agencies in British Columbia.Instrument de recherche :(Électronique) Finding aid 10-1 is a computer generated volume list related to volume 1662. 10-1(Électronique) Finding aid 10-52 is a computer generated file list related to volumes 10874-10878. 10-52(Électronique) All or some of the documents described have been digitized and are available at the following address: (90: Ouvert) additionnelle :Source du titre :Title is based on the contents of the series.Historique de la conservation :The records of the Nass Agency and those of the Skeena River Agency are inextricably linked because of the history of the administrative relationship between the two agencies. The same agent who had headed the Nass Agency was appointed for the Skeena River Agency in 1922. The office of the former Nass Agency in Prince Rupert was taken over and served as the office for the Skeena River Agency after 1922. Given this physical continuity, it is not surprising that individual files sometimes contain correspondence from both the Nass Agency and the Skeena River Agency periods of administration.Note sur le classement :None of the records in this series came into National Archives custody direct from the Nass Agency. Rather, all were transferred from successor administrative units, either the Skeena River Agency or its successors. An attempt has been made to assign to the Nass Agency series those records that date from the period in which that administrative unit was in operation (i.e., only up to 1922). However, some records which date from the Skeena River Agency period, inevitably, have been found mixed with the Nass Agency material.Note sur les autres formats physiques disponibles :Microfilmed copies are available in the following reels: reel C-14881 (Vol. 1662); reels T-3968 to T-3969 (Vols. 10874, 10877, 10878).Versements complémentaires :No further accruals are expected.Groupes de documents reliés :Related records may also be found in the Skeena River Agency series.Note(s) sur le contenant :C-14881 : Microfilmed copy (vol. 1662) Copy No. 1
T-3968 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 1
C-14881 : Microfilmed copy (vol. 1662) Copy No. 2
C-14881 : Microfilmed copy (vol. 1662) Copy No. 3
C-14881 : Microfilmed copy (vol. 1662) Copy No. 4
C-14881 : Microfilmed copy (vol. 1662) Copy No. 5
T-3968 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 2
T-3968 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 3
T-3968 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 5
T-3968 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 6
T-3968 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 7
T-3968 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 8
T-3969 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 1
T-3969 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 2
T-3969 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 3
T-3969 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 5
T-3969 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 6
T-3969 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 7
T-3969 : Microfilmed copies (vols. 10874, 10877, 10878) Copy No. 8Source :GouvernementNo de contrôle reliés :1981-82/023 GAD
1984-85/090 GAD
RG10Ancien no de référence archivistique :RG10-C-VI -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels[Consultation96 Restrictions varient]Volume [RG10] 10878[Consultation 32 Restreint selon la loi]Volume [RG10][Consultation 90 Ouvert]1662;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]10874--10875;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]10877;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]Bobine de microfilm [RG10][Consultation 90 Ouvert]C-14881;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]T-3968--T-3969;[Consultation 90 Ouvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Copyright belongs to the Crown. In order to protect the fragile originals, the microfilm copies of these records must be consulted rather than the originals.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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